Chapter 16: One By One

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"Do you believe me now?" Taka asks while looking deep into my eyes after releasing his lips from mine.

Because of how shock I am by the touch of his lips, I can't bring myself to say a single word. It's as if a spell is cast on me to take my voice away. It's hard to believe any of this is happening too. I mean, it hasn't been long since I realized that these feelings that I have for him are real and now this is happening? This all has to be a dream...But the longer I look into Taka's beautiful, chocolate brown eyes, the more I am being convinced that what I'm facing right now is reality.

After some time, instead of answering with words, I slowly nod. Eventually, though, I bring myself to speak.


Right when I do and right when Taka is about to flash a smile of relief, his expression immediately changes back into all seriousness as if he knows what I'm going to say next.

"I know it's not right for me to tell you this, but F/N told me a few things."

"What do you mean..? Like what?"

"Out of everything she said to me, I'll say this."

I don't know exactly where this is going since Taka becomes serious again, which honestly scares me.

"I know I haven't really told you much about myself and my past, which I'm happy didn't stop you from being as close to me as you are now, but I want you to know that I went through as much hell as you have to get to where I am today. Who I am today. That I'm not as different as you think I am. I know you may not believe me probably thinking that my words are crap, but I can prove it to you only if you let me..only if you will allow me to continue to help you and be by your side as much as I can."

This guy...This crazy and talented yet dorky guy is willing to do so much in order for me to be happy. Why..?


I know the answer to that and the answer is obvious.

It's because he cares a lot about me even more than E/N did, which is already amazing to me as it is. Also knowing how he is willing to do that much just shows how true his feelings are...But with the never-ending yet unwilling doubt I have..I can't help but ask one more question.

"How can I be so sure that I can really trust you?"


Taka pauses. However, although he does think about how to say his upcoming sentence perfectly, Taka soon speaks with confidence.

"Because I can be that light that can lead you out of the darkness."

Then suddenly, my phone rings. It takes me a few seconds to realize that the ringing is coming from my phone, but eventually, I pick it up.

"Hello, it's your driver. I'm waiting outside of the hotel to pick you up and take you to the airport. Just come out whenever you're ready. At least before thirty minutes please."


My eyes then turn to Taka's, assuming that he's already looking into mine. Except, that wasn't the case at all. Instead, his eyes slightly drop low along with his head. I don't know if I'm good at reading people or not, but seeing his reaction towards my departure that definitely has to happen soon, it seems like Taka realizes something else right then and there.

"Okay," I say my one last word to my personal driver before hanging up.

"Y/N..? Are you still here? I thought you left already."

Appearing out of nowhere is ONE OK ROCK's guitarist, Toru, who just got back from doing who knows what.

"Oh hey, good timing. Drop Y/N off at the hotel she's staying at real quick. Get her there within half an hour," Taka casually speaks out loud in Japanese after forcing himself to turn around to face Toru who is still near the front door.

"Uh ok. Tell me how to get to your hotel, Y/N," Toru says in English this time while facing me.


Although I don't want to, I quickly get my stuff and head towards the front door where Toru is still at and Taka who is now standing and talking to Toru. Once I become a part of their little circle, Toru and I say our quick goodbyes to Taka. Well, I do for the most part since Toru will just see him later. But after he walks out the door and when I am just about to, Taka stops me by gently grabbing a hold of my shoulder. With one touch, it makes me completely turn around to face the one and only other person in the living room besides myself.

"You never told me-"

"I don't think I can."

I guess I am good at reading people because just now it's as if I did read Taka's mind earlier. That even if everything he said earlier is true, he really can't always be by my side when I need him the most and there will still be obstacles along the way that we'll have to get through..obstacles that may break this strong relationship we have apart. Although there have been many coincidences of our meeting, for some reason, right now until whatever happens in the future is different than those times. And those obstacles are probably similar to what most idols face as couples. Even though that is reality and it can be faced, who knows what will happen, especially since I went through a heartbreak that still affects me to this day. Taka knows this, which is the reason why he's willing to do all of these things for me. Everything that has to do with us is a challenge because there is also my trust and acceptance of feelings that shouldn't at all be taken for granted so that I won't be hurt again. Nothing is certain. We don't know what the future may bring, but then again our future all depends on the choices we make starting now, which is what Taka also makes me realize when he mentions something else.

"I'll wait. I'll wait until you're ready to not only put your trust in me and accept my feelings wholeheartedly but to be mine."

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