Chapter 16

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"Calm down Nicole" Tessa laughed "I know your excited"

"I'm beyond!" Nicole smiled 

"What the count down at?" Tessa asked

"They play today. Then a game tomorrow(/Weds). After they are cleared to leave Jupiter .. which would probably be like at 6 or 7 depending on how fast the game goes and if it doesn't get canceled. He should be home by 9-10pm." Nicole knew it by memory 

"And then how long do you have him for?" Tessa was getting use to hanging out with Nicole so knowing Yelich would be here for a while made her a bit jealous.

"Don't you know your work schedule?" Nicole said

"Not as good as you" Tessa said

"I have it on my phone." Nicole opened up her calendar "They come back tomorrow. They have a game Thursday to get them use to playing at night with one of the Marlins Minor league teams. Then games Friday and Saturday. Day off on Sunday. practice on Monday. Games on Tuesday and Weds. then they leave"

"So basically you have him for a full week" Tessa said

"And then they leave for a full week" Nicole said

"And your not going with?" Tessa asked

"Nope Im not going till the last week in April" Nicole told her

Trying not to come off as clingy or needed Tessa asked "What day do you leave then?"

Nicole responded "I will leave the 24th while their playing the Giants. And Ill go to LA till the 29th" not really noticing Tessa becoming uncomfortable with the idea of Nicole leaving her

"Your gonna be alone in LA till he gets there?" Tessa raised an eyebrow

"Negative. Im staying with his family" Nicole tensed up a bit 

"Is this your first time meeting them?" Tessa noticed

"YES. Super nervous" Nicole admitted "Its one thing dealing with the team. but this is his parents and siblings. and you can tell he's a mommy boy. just like majority of men. and you know if momma don't approve its a bad thing"

"Im sure they'll like you, just like how he does" Tessa said



Nicole headed over to Christians apartment late morning and cleaned up a bit. Not that there was much of a mess since she was only there when he was for the most part. But she stocked up the refrigerator so there was food to eat for that week he was home. As Nicole cleaned and did laundry for both of them Nicole watched the game. The game wasn't going well, Nicole ended up falling asleep. 

"Babe" Yelich called as he walked into the apartment. 

He found Nicole asleep on the sofa. Not saying a word Yelich kissed Nicole on the lips causing her to wake up

"Hey there sleepy head" Christian smiled at Nicole

Nicole smiled back putting her hands behind his neck and pulling him down to her, forcing him to lay on her. And they kissed a couple more times. 

"You know if we move any closer together we are going to fall off of this sofa" Yelich teased Nicole

"Not my fault. I missed your body" Nicole kissed him again

"Just my body is that what you want me for?" Yelich kissed her on the forehead "How bout this" .. Yelich got off of Nicole and picked up Nicole shifting her she that her arms were wrapped around his neck with her legs around his waist; he took her over to his bed kissing her roughly. He missed Nicole just as much as she missed him.

How it Happened (Christian Yelich | MLB Miami Marlins)Where stories live. Discover now