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Dis' wedding day was finally here! I was so happy for her, I still longed for her to stay, but I knew she loved him. We spent the entire morning preparing for the ceremony. I plaited Dis' hair while my own mother plaited mine. Dis had grown fond of my mother. I assumed it was because mama was the only motherly figure she had at all. Once our hair was satisfactory, we slipped into our dresses. Dis' gown was flawless. It flowed an endless stream of white. It had diamonds and crystals embedded in the fabric. Her veil was made of a fine sheer material. The train was so long and extravagant, it took three bridesmaids to hold it.  My maid of honor dress was almost equally as stunning. It was a light blue gown that had crystals along the chest. It showed only the slightest bit of cleavage, which I was shockingly okay with. The sleeve covered the tops of my shoulder and left my arms bare. It had a poofy skirt and a short train. We were ready.

The bridesmaids and their escorts would enter first, then my escort and myself, then Thrain and Dis, and then the train holders would follow behind and then take their seats.

First out of the door was Carmen and Dwalin, then their was Matilla and Frerin, then Gemma and Dain. Dis made Thorin my escort because she had always thought us perfect for each other. We both blushed horribly for she had announced this in front of the whole wedding party. We were up. Thorin approached me with a devilishly handsome smile on his face. He had never looked so handsome to me. He cleaned up quite well. We locked arms and began to walk down the aisle. It was a wonderful moment as everyone stared at us in awe. A permanent blush had made its way to my face. Thorin glanced at me and smiled. When it was time for us to part, he took my hand and kissed it in front of the crowd and then we walked to our spots. I was shocked at his gesture and also a bit embarrassed that everyone saw. But he looked at me from the opposite side on the aisle and shot me another handsome grin. I smiled back. Dis entered the room arm in arm with Thrain. It  was a beautiful sight. Everyone turned to stare at Dis. She was gorgeous. I had the urge to look at the groom. I turned and he had a look of pure love on his face. I was so happy for her. I knew this man loved her and would treat her well. I noticed Thorin also looking at the groom, with satisfied smile on his face.

When the ceremony had ended, we all retreated to the grand ball room. Everyone gathered around the dance floor to watch the father daughter hand-off dance. Once Thrain handed Dis off to her new husband, everyone had permission to take the floor. I was about to turn to find my seat when a hand grabbed my wrist. I had become familiar with the feel of his hands. I turned around already smiling up at him, he smiled gently back. "May I have this dance?"

"You may." He led me in a slow dance. We danced around the other couples but our eyes never left each other. I smiled at that.

"So, princess, did you enjoy the wedding?" he asked casually.

"I did very much. Wait...What? Who says I'm a princess?" I questioned him.

"I do."  He smiled. "And the only way to become a princess is to marry me."

I looked at him all crazy eyed and he laughed.

"I remember a certain promise you made me underneath a tree in the courtyard years ago."

I smiled at the memory. "I can't believe you remember that."

"I do. How could I forgot such a beautiful girl telling me that she'd one day marry me?"

I laughed, blushing a bit. He smiled down to me. "So, what about that promise, princess?"

I cocked my eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"Can I hold you to it?" He asked. I looked to his eyes. He was looking at me the way Dis' husband looked at her. The way my father looked at my mother. I grinned.

I threw my arms around him and he embraced me tightly. "Yes! Of course you can!"

He told both our families of his intensions and no one objected. Dis was more than thrilled. "I knew it! I knew it all along!" She exclaimed happily and squeezed me into a tight hug. "We're finally going to be sisters! Can you believe it?! It's so perfect!" And she was right, it was perfect. We were to be married within the year and our lives would be perfect together. Or so we thought, so very long ago.

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