4.4 - Flawless Sass and Wit

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I know this isn't really a personality but I hinted at it in my last chapter so I figured I should include it here.

We all know a sassy person or someone who always has a come back ready. But they aren't always ready. Sometimes that person is rendered speechless at a situation. That's normal.

I honestly hate it when a character is always hot on their heels to give a comeback. It's even more annoying when no thought process is given. For instance, if there was a really sad conversation occurring, the feelings of the character wouldn't even be stated but they would still casually have something sassy to say.

Oh man, and when the other characters just laugh along or suddenly change attitude in an really unrealistic way, ugh. That right there is the response a background character will always give a Mary-Sue. (I will be touching on this later, around section 9 unless I change the order.)

I have no problem with a witty or sassy character so long as it's controlled, you know? Sometimes have them bite their tongue or be at a loss for words. Bonus points to people who add in a thought process or emotions every now and then. No cardboard sass allowed.

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