Chapter 7

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Paris' POV

For the fourth time in a row my phone had went off, my mom kept blowing up my phone .. I was tired as fuck and couldn't seem to catch any rest to save my life .. Shane moved his arms from around me as he turned over groaning from my phone constantly going off .. I looked at the clock to see it was going on 8:00 am ..

Shane: who the fuck is that ? Turn that shit on vibrate ..

I sighed and picked up my phone from the night stand getting out of the bed..

Paris: hello !!

I rolled my eyes and headed out of the bedroom ..

Celeste: Paris !!

Paris: yes ?! Mama it's eight in the morning !!

Celeste: Your brother was shot ..

My heart instantly dropped and I stopped dead in my tracks .. the only thing that went through my head was "Not again !!" I put my hand to my chest as I sat down on the top stair bracing myself for what she possibly was about to say next ..

Celeste: Paris !!

Paris: .. I .. I'm here ma .. where is he ? Is he ok ?

Celeste: he's in surgery right now .. someone found him bleeding in a alley .. they say it's possible he could be paralyzed for the rest of his life .. if he makes it through surgery ..

I heard my moms voice breaking up like she was about to break down at any second..

Paris: where's lia ?

Celeste: Right here .. sleeping..

Paris: Im on my way. .

As soon as I hung up I broke down crying .. I was starting to lose too many people I loved to this lifestyle .. I was praying I wouldn't lose my brother too .. I went back into the bedroom to see Shane sitting up in bed watching tv ..

Shane: who was that ?

Paris: My mama, my brother .. He was shot .. he's in surgery ..

I was visibly shaking .. & before I knew it .. I broke down again .. Shane got out of bed & walked over to me wrapping his arms around me .. He kissed my forehead as I cried into his chest as he was running his fingers through my hair .. Just being in his arms alone made me feel better..

Paris: I gotta go .. (headed to my closet)

Shane: want me to go with you ?

Paris: .... yeah ..

I went to my closet and through on some black PINK sweats and a black PINK hoody with the white flip flops .. I brushed my hair up into a bun then washed my face and brushed my teeth then we left heading to the hospital .. I was power walking through the hospital .. trying to find a nurse.. the nurses station was empty and I was walking everywhere trying to find somebody .. I eventually ran into my mom sitting in the waiting area with Lia laying in her lap..

Paris: hey ma (hugged her) you ok ? Have they said anything ?

Celeste: no, he's still in surgery .. I'm fine ..

I sot down next to her and Shane sat across from us on his phone .. We waited for about a good 45 more minutes before his doctor approached us .. my heart dropped yet again .. and I was just praying my brother was ok..

Celeste: how's he doing ?

Doc: he lost a lot of blood but we cant risk removing the bullet.. it's worse than we initially thought .. whoever did it was a professional and knew what they were doing .. he can feel in his legs but can't walk if we remove the bullet we will paralyze him. .

Celeste: (sighed) can we see him now ?

Doc: sure .. room 502.. he may still be out of it though

I got up and walked to his room with my mom and Shane behind me .. Shane had my still sleeping little sister over his shoulder.. When I went inside the room my heart broke all over again .. all kinds of IV's were in my brothers arm and he looked almost lifeless.. I stood at the end of the bed crying while my mom sat next to him .. then I heard his voice ..

Trey: stop all that .. I ain't dead ..

His voice was raspy but I was just happy to hear him .. I walked over to him and gently hugged him ..

Paris: scare me again like that and I'll kill you

Trey gave me a groggy smile

Celeste: thank God you're ok .. who did this to you ..

Trey got quiet like he was thinking

Trey: I didnt see his face ..

Paris: (sighed) (wiping my face) you gonna have to go through therapy so we can get you walkin again !!

Trey: yeah ..

Shane: Paris, I gotta go .. you gone stay ?

Paris: yeah, my mama can take me home ..

Shane: .. aight

He walked out leaving us alone .. I looked at the clock thinking about the class I had at 11:00 .. being at the hospital with my brother was the perfect alibi ..



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