Chapter 24

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Paris' POV

I hopped in my car and drove out the gate as Shane followed me in his car .. I was so pissed off I could feel my ears turning red !! For a second I wondered would we ever get past this possessive stage he was in .. I was stubborn as hell & those two definitely didn't go together !! I sped up trying to lose him in traffic only for him to speed up and follow me even closer .. I knew he was pissed so I also knew it was a possibility we might go home just to argue more !! I shook my head at the fact that he was fresh out of jail after a month & here we were already fighting !! I looked in my rear view mirror to Shane wasn't even there anymore .. not knowing where he went I almost called him but instead called my mom and checked on my babies !! Security let me inside the gate & I parked right there .. I stared at my three story, 11 bedroom, twenty two million dollar home with the 7 car garage & I finally understood what Kelsey was saying when she said their was a luxury tax to all this shit !! I finally understood, none of this shit was free .. I was paying for it somehow ..

Shane's POV

I was supposed to been laying low for a while but I was fuckin mad at the world .. My mama, my kids, my wife, & my family was my life .. Don't get me wrong, I had mad love for my pops but everytime I seen him .. I saw me, everytime I seen him & my mama, I saw me & Paris .. I was doing the same shit to her I didn't want him doin to my mama .. It pissed me off like hell to think we would end up like them .. separated, living in different states and shit !! It fucked my mind up .. I couldn't let Paris go for shit .. even though my actions was speaking differently I'd die for Paris .. She was so fuckin stubborn though, hard-headed, had a smart fuckin mouth, all the shit that made me want to lay hands on her .. I knew two things though .. I wasn't going to no damm anger management classes & she wasn't going no damn where !! My trigger finger was itching to let out some steam .. and I knew exactly how to do it ..

Jessica: hello

Shane: still got him ?

Jessica: yeah .. he here ..

I smirked and hung up the phone .. Jessica had Saint on the top floor of the Marriott !! She had tricked him into meeting her at the hotel as another informant on the case but little did he know he wouldn't be coming down alive .. I drove around making sure nobody was following me then parked in the hotels garage !! I pulled my black hoody over my head before stepping out into the street heading into the hotel .. Heading straight to the elevator I pressed 50 for the top floor .. I thought about Paris bein touched by that nigga and it made my finger twitch even more .. I smiled once I heard the elevator ding letting me know I was on the 50th floor .. I opened the door with the key card Jessica left on top of the vending machine in the hall .. Jessica was laying in the bed with some shorts and a tank top on .. I looked around wondering where Saint was ..

Jessica: bathroom ..

I smiled at how she read my mind .. I opened the door to see Saint tied up in a chair .. his head was busted from whatever Jessica knocked his ass out with .. His eyes grew wide as he saw me open the door .. I smiled watching Jessica lay out everything I would need to make the nigga suffer .. I had planned on just shoot in the mu'fucka but I decided to send a message instead .. I snatched the tape off his mouth and listened to him start begging for his life ..

Shane: Fuck all that .. I got one question ..

I picked up a set of pliers from the counter ..

Shane: you fuck Paris ?

He stared at me shaking his head .. I already knew he did because Chino heard them arguing about it from outside .. I got mad all over again and threw the pliers down this time I grabbed one of his fingers & bent it all the way back .. hearing bones crack one by one he screamed at the top of his lungs fighting as hard as he could to get out of the rope ..

Shane: imma ask you again .. you got 9 fingers left so we got time ..

Saint: yeah !! Yeah, damn man !! You fuckin insane ?!

Shane: that's a yes ?

Saint nodded his head like a maniac trying to get out of having his other fingers broken ..

Saint: yeah !! Damn .. I regret it now man aight .. fuck this shit just let it go. .

I picked up the hammer off the sink watching Saint break down like a baby .. I gently tapped the hammer against my hand a couple times ..

Shane: pussy was good wasn't it ..


I watched Saint slip unconscious and threw the hammer down .. I told Jessica what I wanted her to do with him then left .. I got the confirmation I needed .. He told me the truth & it wasn't no way around that .. my blood was still boiling as I pulled up into the driveway .. I went inside looking for Paris, from the smile on her face as she was on the phone I could tell she was over what happened earlier .. She had the phone up to her ear as she looked at me staring at her from the doorway ..

Paris: let me call you back (hung up)
Where you been ? I cooked since you was acting all stank about us going out ..

She walked up to me wrapping her arms around my neck

Paris: you still mad ?

She looked down at my hands to see traces of blood and backed up away from me ..

Shane: you fucked him didn't you .. don't fuckin lie to me again either ..

Her eyes grew wide as I balled up my fists punching the wall leaving a big ass whole .. after that I don't remember what happened .. I just remember seeing red ..

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