Chapter 21

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Paris' POV

Today was the day.. Coverage of Shane's trial was all over the news .. Their was a crowd of people outside of the courtroom & the courtroom was already packed .. they had a whole nother hour & a half before it was to start .. I was staring at myself in my full length mirror, dressed in a all white fitted knee length strapless Marc Jacobs dress with white strapped Marc Jacobs heels .. My hair was down & curled to perfection .. I grabbed the diamond crucifix that hung from my neck & said a silent prayer !! I turned the tv on just as Kelsey walked into my bedroom ..

Kelsey: it's on every channel !!

Paris: (shook my head) it's news reporters outside the gate too ..

Kelsey: you ready ?

Paris: (sighed) yeah. .

My heart was in my stomach as we made our way to the car .. I was praying everything would go right .. I didn't know any details so I really didn't know what to think .. Camera crews graced the driveway outside of the gate, you would've thought Obama was in town with the amount of commotion going on .. Security was beefed up and things were hectic !! Kelsey & I got inside the car and headed to the courthouse .. Camera's flashed at the car as the driver pulled out ..

Paris: you know where Shamar is ?

Kelsey: nope .. he called last night though .. I'm sure he's gonna be somewhere watching ..

I nodded as the driver pulled off into traffic .. When we made it to the courthouse I got a chance to see all of the pandemonium in person, people were pushed together trying to witness the fate of one of Miami's biggest KingPins .. Police had barricaded the crowd off from the court house, On the radio in the car the hosts were talking about it too .. It seemed more like an award show than a Trial .. We sat in the car just listening to the radio until security came to escort us inside ..

RH#1"Ok people, if you're at home watching you would've just saw Shane's wife & his sister-in-law are on their way to the courthouse ..
It's been said that Shamar is supposed to be on trial as well but if this goes away then so does Shamars"

RH#2"The question is though will this go away ? He's charged with allot of stuff .. not small stuff either .. stuff like murder, drug trafficking, money laundering that's allot"

RH#1"That's nothing to somebody like Shane though, these men didn't get where they are today by not thinking everything through"

RH#2"Supposedly they have two people testifying against him"

RH#1"That's if they testify, I'm just sayin"

I rolled my eyes tapping my nails against my phone, I was anxious and ready to get out of that car !!

RH#2"what you mean ?"

RH#1"Just like I said .. you know what that means .. these men are untouchable right now"

My door opened and I noticed security had finally made it .. I stepped out of the car followed by Kelsey as they guided us into the building .. Camera's were flickering from every direction and reporter's were throwing questions at us left and right .. We went through security check and into the courtroom, I sat right behind Shane's lawyer and waited for him to come from the backroom .. it would've been my first time seeing him in days & I was anxious .. As soon as he walked through the door he looked like he didn't have care in the world ..Dressed in a white blazer, white button up, white pants & he had a fresh cut & shave .. The courthouse lit up like a Gotti concert when he walked out .. Even under the circumstances it was just like Shane to indulge in the show .. he smiled showing his perfect set of teeth and sat down .. He turned around looking dead in my face & smiled .. I winked at him & he turned back around ..

"All Rise"

Everyone stood up as the judge came in & sat down .. I had butterflys the entire time .. The prosecutor was arguing about how much drugs Shane & his brother were bringing in the country.. how they were distributing it .. selling it .. but the question was how could they prove it .. That's when everything fell apart .. Witnesses didn't show, Detective Mark Jamison AKA Saint didn't show .. Trey Morgan, didn't show .. I hung my head low wondering was he tied up somewhere or was he dead .. My eyed swelled up with tears as the prosecutors watched their entire case crumble before their eyes .. Detective Bennett looked over at me from the other side of the room .. He was turning red in the face as he watched Shane single handedly beat this case from behind bars .. & on top of the fact that nobody testified !! Shamar had wired a half a million dollars into the judges offshore account to solidify his brothers freedom .. I just so happened to look across the room and looked dead into the eyes of Zya .. She quickly looked away and I rolled my eyes..

Judge: Well, nobody is here to testify .. you have no evidence, could you stop wasting everyone's time and tell us what you do have ?

The prosecutor stood there in disbelief silently giving up .. While I was turning backflips on the inside .. Shane looked back at me and smiled as I bit my lip and laughed .. I was excited my husband was coming home !!

Judge: Because of lack of evidence .. I clear Shane Carter from all charges and I declare this a mistrial .. you're free to go ..

Just like that the judge got up and left the courtroom as it lit up from all the cameras flashing .. Shane stood up and shook his lawyers hand right before walking over to me .. giving me a long wet kiss ..

Shane: I love you girl

Paris: I love you more !!

Kelsey walked over to Shane giving him a hug .. Shane wrapped his arms around the both of us as we headed out of the courthouse ..



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