Chapter 11

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Paris' POV

When we made it home Shane's mom's car was in the yard & I instantly got happy .. I could barely wait for Shane to stop the car !! I ran inside to the den and there were my babies.. playing on the floor with their toys !!

Paris: there you are !! (Got on the floor)

Justine: hey Paris !!

Paris: hey !! (Picking up Sky) I'm so happy to see y'all !!

Skyler gripped both sides of my face and gave me a gummy smile .. while Shanece sat there clapping.. They were a real deal mix of their father & I .. Skyler was just as light as his dad, with a few of my facial features while Shanece had my caramel complexion, thick curly hair, & was the spitting image of me .. Shane walked in & kissed his mom on the cheek then picked Shanece up and sat next to his mom ..

Justine: so ..... how was everything ? Did y'all enjoy yourselves ?

Paris: .... yeah, it was fun ..

Justine: you look tired ..

Paris: that's because I am .. I couldn't get any rest to save my life ..

Justine: what did Shane get you ?

I glanced at him as he played with Shanece not really paying attention to us ..

Paris: umm.. A car, money, a cake, I met Rihanna, a diamond necklace, he took me to dinner, 3 party's, a spa day, & I can't forget the flowers ..

Shane glanced at me and smirked

Justine: well damn .. Lucky woman ..

Paris: (smiled)

Justine: well I know you missed your babies .. Shane she called me a total of 18 times in four days checking on them .. while Shane called twice a day ..

Paris: (laughed) My mom is begging for them now ..

Justine: poor baby ..

Paris: I know right .. Zya is bringing Sj tomorrow for a couple days so once he leaves I may let them go ..

Justine: May ?

Paris: May !! (Laughed)

Justine: wait until they get older & getting into everything .. you're gonna stay trying to get rid of them ..

Shane got up and handed Shanece to his mom ..

Shane: I'll be back ..

Justine: & where are you going ?

Shane: handle some business ..

He walked out the front door not saying anything else ..

Justine: so .. now that he's gone .. what the hell happened to your neck .. & what is that on your leg ?

I quickly pulled my pants down and my hoody up ..

Paris: a rash ..

Justine: don't lie to me little girl .. what happened ?

Paris: .... nothin .. I don't want to talk about it ..

Justine: (sighed) I'm gonna tell you the same thing I told Kelsey .. they are their fathers children !! Their dad used to do the same damn thing to me ..

I kept playing with Sky trying to avoid even talking about it ..

Justine: they would try to fight their dad in order to get him to leave me alone .. but they grew up to be just like him .. I'm not gonna get in yall two's business .. but don't y'all be fighting around my babies !!

Paris: where is their dad ?

Justine: we're separated .. and have been for a long time !! He's living in Washington D.C. .. he'll call every now and then .. he's seen Sky & Shanece & you .. I send him pictures .. Shane talks to him every now and then ..

Paris: Shane hasn't mentioned him

Justine: I bet he hasn't ..

Shane was gone for a couple hours .. Justine had left a hour before he made it back, the kids were inside of their bassinets sleeping as I cooked .. Shane walked in with no shirt on .. only some grey basketball shorts and I could see his print through his shorts .. I smirked knowing damn well sex should be the last thing on my mind .. but it was .. He picked me up and sat me on the counter kissing my lips ..

Paris: did you think about what I said ?

Shane: (kissing my neck) what you say ?

Paris: the anger management

He stopped kissing my neck and backed up leaning against the opposite counter in front of me ..

Shane: I ain't goin to no damn classes ..

Paris: (rolled my eyes) you love me ?

Shane: to death ..

Paris: well these bruises say otherwise ..

Shane: that dont got shit to do with me loving you .. but it got everything to do with you listenin to me ..

Paris: I'm your wife .. not your child ..

Shane stared at me ..

Paris: how did you feel when your dad did it to your mom ..

Shane's demeanor did a whole 360 .. He instantly got mad .. I hopped down off the counter and backed away from him as he walked towards me .. He got right in my face staring me in my face .. I was nervous seeing that vein pop out of his neck, I didn't know what he would do but after a while he just walked away .. I sighed as I watched him walk away .. I sat down at the kitchen table trying to regain my composure .. The doorbell wrung snapping me out of my thoughts.. by the time I walked into the foyer Marta had already let them in .. they looked more like they were apart of a motorcycle gang than police ..

Paris: who are you ?

"I'm Detective Brad Bennett, & this is my partner Detective Terrence Smith you must be Mrs.Carter ?"

I immediately walked away and went to find Shane .. he was in his office on the phone smiling .. I folded my arms and stood there until he noticed me ..

Shane: I'll be there by 10 ..

He bit his lip still smiling then looked up dead into my face ..

Shane: what's up

Paris: .... police here for you ..

Shane: let me call you back (hung up)

He pulled his earphones off and rushed by me out of the room .. I stared at his phone on his desk and looked back one more time so make sure he was gone .. I walked over to his desk and picked up his phone .. His lock screen was a picture of me & him that we took playing around in the bed one day and his wallpaper was our 3 baby's .. I pressed the call button and his last phone call was .. Zya .. I wasn't sure what to think because they did have a child together but I knew his messages would tell me everything I wanted to know .. most of the messages were about Sha but as I kept scrolling I saw more .. Naked pictures of her popped up, explicit text messages .. the works !! I threw his phone down and walked into the foyer ..

Shane: get the fuck out my house & don't come back !!

DB: we'll be seeing you soon ..

They walked out and Shane turned towards me .. I rolled my eyes at him & headed back into the kitchen ..

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