Chapter 2

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  Lillith's pov

 4 yrs. later.....

 " Oh.My.Gosh."  I set down the  human newspaper, and groaned as I put my head in my hands.

" Wot is it Love?"  Atticus sat back in his chair naturally, cocking his head with his reading glasses sliding half way down his face.

  I shoved the paper in his nose. "Humans, absolutely have, the worst sense of humor EVER."

Atticus searched with his eyes for a second, then fell on the black marble floor and held his sides, which ached with laughter.  " You're not helping the situation...." I muttered.

 He sat back up and dried away his tears. " I'm sorry, but that is the most HILARIOUS thing in the history of comedy. "

" A pun about how a skeleton was feeling a little BONELY does not help the human behavior. "  I set my feet on the table.  " That person is definitely going to get shot. If not by me, then somebody who understands."

Atticus set his dark eyes into mine and set his face.  " Like you can do better. "

I pushed my face towards his. " Is that a challenge?"

" Wot do you think, twit?"

" Deal.  1st person who wins gets to push the other person off a cliff."

" Yeah Lillith, cos I definitely have wings so I can survive."  He grinned sheepishly.

I smiled. " I didn't say I wouldn't catch you, TWAT."

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