Chapter 27

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  The really terrifying thing about battle is that death can come to you from all sides, a lot of times unexpectedly.

  Immediately I launched myself into the fight.  Swords and Scythes were slashed and torn apart from hands, screams were echoed and the dead lay defeated.

 And straight in the middle, down a clear path, with flames cackling behind him, was my enemy, once my best friend.

Atticus smiled and slowly walked towards me, making not a sound. The only sound made was the heartbeat of our fear, our nervous laughter. Nothing could stand between us now. Nothing else mattered now.

 This was my fight.


He slashed outwards at me. I dodged and aimed a kick at his chest. Then I flew up and came crashing back down, fury making me stronger.

  He only snickered and pushed me away. " You think.....You can save yourself?? You think you can save anyone you want?? " He laughed and kicked me towards a wall, stones hitting me and making me weaker.

I struggled to get up. " No Atticus. This isn't how it should end.  " I willingly held my hand out. " Come on. "

Atticus glared. " What are you doing?"

" Giving you another chance. A chance for yourself, a chance for US. " He looked away and snorted. I pressed on. " Come on Atticus, please,

" I need you. "

He stared at me, with his eyes glowing, as he slowly walked towards me, his hands at gripped on to his sword. He reached me and touched my face. " You really need me??" he whispered.

" YES, " I urged, that idiot.

He smiled, and, slowly, started bringing out his hand..........

I grinned. " There you go. " I turned my head to Axel, nodding. This would work. I can fix this.

His hand drew closer........
And closer........
Almost there.........

He laughed softly. " The funny thing is Lilith, "  He whipped out a knife and snarled. 

" I DON'T NEED YOU!!!!!!!!"

" LILITH NO!!!!!!!"

It all happened to quickly.

In a flash Axel had shoved me to the ground, screaming. Atticus had swore in annoyance and surprise. I started to tear up.

In the middle of two monsters, two villains at each other's neck just trying to either make things right or destroy what was left,

Lay an angel, through with his battle, loyal to defend until the end, and had been payed back in pain. " Axel!! " I screamed, rushing to his side. " Axel No!!" I couldn't help it. I was bawling like a baby. I had grown attached to him, he couldn't possibly leave now.

" Please don't go. "

His eyes opened, oh my gosh they were beautiful. He clutched my arm and smiled. How in the world could he be smiling at a time like this? He was dying!! He spoke.

" Right from the start I knew you were special. Your powers, your ability to be stronger than others, the way you think, I knew you'd make it.

" Please don't kid yourself. You and I both knew I wouldn't last. I'm not that strong. That's why you have to finish this, for me, for your mother. "

Tears streaked my cheeks. " I need you. "

" Not anymore. " His breathing started to lessen and his grip started to fade. He looked at me one more time,

Before closing his eyes for good and into his sleep with God. 
" Please take care of him Jesus, " I whispered.

Immediately I was kicked. I groaned as I fell to the ground. Atticus laughed and kicked me again. " You think your going to win?? You think just because your so strong that you will make me bow down?? THINK AGAIN!" * Kick*

I screeched.

Slowly, he bent down and whispered, " Shame you couldn't save Axel. Your so weak you couldn't even save your own mother. " He kicked me again. " Haven't you heard?? All villains lose in the end. "

Something inside me sparked, a flame maybe. Til the day I die I may never know.

But as I said before...........

I've HAD it with people.

I slowly stood, holding my arm. Atticus laughed. " You just can't get enough, can you. You WANT to die. You're quite the funny one.

I breathed in, I breathed out. I smiled. " Oh, I'm not going away for  while. "

Atticus snickered. I stared at him and grinned. " Run. "

Immediately, I forced every emotion, all my pain, everything I had, into my powers. I lashed out and felt a hit straight in the jaw. I was rewarded with a punch.

I didn't care. I didn't feel it. I kept on. I lashed struck. I cupped my hands and flames burst from them and into Atticus's face. He screamed and clutched his right eye.

I flung myself into the air, wings out, on fire, and held my scepter. He glared at me, a trace of fear in my eyes. He tried to hit me but failed. I peered at him and screamed my lungs out.

" THIS ENDS NOW!!!!!!!"

I struck the ground, sending him flying across and landing roughly. I could hear all of the air leave his lungs.

I strutted over and snatched him up by the collar, my eyes glowing with rage. " The difference is, Atticus, all Villains will lose in the end. But only the bad ones die. "

" Let me go. " He struggled to free himself.

I laughed and dragged him to the cliff we had been to before. I held him in the air and smiled. " Goodbye. "

" You can't possibly be serious, " he smiled uncertainly. " You won't do it. "

" Oh but I think I will.

" Now go find some other sucker to save your ass. "

I let go.

" NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" His screams were violent and jiggled the ground beneath me.

I heard a loud thump and fell to the ground. That was it. No going back now.

Atticus was dead.

And I, was tired as hell. 


There's one thing people never listen to. Not even poor Atticus could get it across his mind. I don't know why, maybe because everyone's mind doesn't function like mine ( Of course it doesn't I'M a villain. ) But if there's one thing I've learned from this long journey I can now rest on. It's really just SEVEN simple words. You have to know it. Try to remember, in case you cross paths with me one day and I happen to be in a really pissy mood.  But anyways, and mind my cussing,

Don't ever, EVER,  fuck with a villain.

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