Chapter 5

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 Lillith's pov.

 Why can't everything just be so simple?? I wondered.  I mean, okay, sure being a VILLAIN had its perks but, if you don't know, it also has its downfalls.

  For instance.......

- The whole world seems to hate you.

- Everything you love will soon be taken away.

- You'll never stop fighting to prove that you are worthy to be in this world to.  That you deserve something more than the crap people give you.  Because, though I am considered highly dangerous,  I do have the brain to know that everything and everyone has the right to live how they should want to live.  So what if my eyes are a billion colors of the world and not a simple one colored one? So what if I have freaking amazing wings?  I'm still a person, human or not.

 The look of terror on Jacob's face almost made me break.  I hate making people feel so weak and small when they are all big and strong.  I mean, I understand the guys a douche, but still.....

  But what I did was epic though....................

I have to admit and you have to admit.

Yeah, you, sitting there looking through my mind. I know you're there, and I know you're probably like, " Oh My Gosh! She knows I'm here! Blahblahblah."

You forget, I'm a villain, and freaking smart for that matter. 

Nice try though.

  No, but seriously.  It does always feel like it's just me and Atticus.........

Us against the world...............

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