Prologue 2

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  Lilith's pov.

 The crazy boy stepped from the shadows. "Hello Love."

  I couldn't help but manage a small smile, despite what was happening to me. "Hello."

  He swept his long,silvery hair from his face. "Why're you crying love?"

I sank to my knees and sobbed.  The boy leaned towards me.  He gently lifted my head and his baby blue eyes darkened as he stared into my multi-colored ones.  After a moment or so, he sat back. "Ah, I see."

"You see what?"

"You're in pain from your crying because the stupid mortals have taken away your mother. You're battling a rage inside your mind because you are having dark thoughts that no beautiful 4 yr. old girl should have, and you are confused because you feel you understand nothing." He stood.  "That, my dear, is what I see."

I suddenly became very interested. Not only was this boy nice, but for once, no-one was trying to hurt me.......

Like they hurt mommy......

"How do you see it?" I asked, curious.

He only shrugged.  "I have absolutely no idea.  I've had this sense since I was two, and I'm 6 now. "

" But you're so intelligent."

"In words it may seem yes.  But in mind, I am not so sure."  He shook his head. "I'm all alone though. 'Ave been for 3 yrs. Doing just fine, I am."  He shrugged. " Don't need nobody." He kicked a rock into the coming mist.

 I cocked my head. "What about me? I've never been alone before."

He put his finger on his chin, then jumped up and down with excitement. " I know! You could live with me! Just think." He pounced through the air. " We'll have a castle, made of the finest and strongest blue glass in the world.  We'll have trees, so many trees, for every precious soul in the world.  "  His eyes lit with happiness. " Wot do you think?"

 I stood and grinned to. "Can I be the master?"

"You can be whatever you bloody want to be! Oh, won't this be amazing?"  He locked his gaze onto mine.

" Yes," I whispered.  " Yes, I would very much like that thank you."  I jumped into the boy's arms.  " Thank you, for letting me be with you, for giving me a home."

 The boy stroked my dark blue hair. "It'll be nice having you 'round."  He kissed the top of my head. "I'll need a wife someday."

I laughed. "You're thinking of that now??"

  He shrugged. "Yeah. Why not?"

"Fine, I agree. But you can't be my husband if I don't know your name."

  He slapped a lopsided grin onto his face. "Of course, my beautiful bride. Please do accept my apologies. My name is Atticus."

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