Hand to Hand Combat

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Hand to Hand Combat:
Methods of Application:
The natural weapons are:
1. The knife edge of your hands,
2. Finger folded as the second joint or knuckle.
3. The protruding knuckle of your second finger.
4. The heel of your hand.
5. Your boot.
6. Elbows.
7. Knees.
8. Teeth.

Basic Martial Arts:
Jujitsu, aikido, other close quarters fighting style and maybe one or two distance styles such as taekwondo which involves kicking and jumping techniques.

The Jab
The Jab is a short punch delivered with the lead hand. The jab can be used as a distracting punch rapidly being followed by a reverse punch, hook or uppercut.

Reverse Punch
This punch comes from the rear hand and is a lot more powerful than the jab.

Back Fist
The back fist strike can be a follow up from a hook or can be used on its own, and can be used from either hand. A developed back fist can cause fatal results.

The Hook
This punch is used to reach targets that the previous punches cannot. It is also used as a counter-attack to the incoming punch. It can be used from both the front and rear hands.

The Uppercut
The uppercut is used to get up under the enemy's defense and into the body region. It can also be performed from both front and rear.

The Palm Heel Strike
The palm heel strike uses the base of the hand's palm to perform a powerful strike, usually upwards forcing a particular section of target further on.

Ridge Hand Strike
This technique can be performed from either the lead or rear hand and can deliver a powerful, painful and immobilizing strike.

Elbow Strike
This strike is effective in close combat and can be delivered with either arm. It can provide a powerful immobilizing attack on the enemy.

Rising Elbow Strike
This can be used in place of an uppercut in close combat, and can also be delivered from either arm. It can produce disastrous effect including death.

Basic Kicking Techniques:
The Front Kick
Used to stop a lunging attack. The kicking technique can be performed on both legs. The most powerful is the rear leg.

The Side Kick
It can collapse a thoracic cage and is useful for stopping lunging attacks.

The Roundhouse Kick or Turning Kick
Can be performed with tremendous speed and power.

Basic Blocks:
The easiest way to block a punch is to move.

Low Block
For: Kicks and attacks to the lower body.

High/Head Block
For: Punches and high downward attacks

Elbow Block
For: Hooks and similar weapons attacks.

Double Outer Forearm Block
For: Hooks, punches and similar weapons attacks.

Full Body Block
For: Punches and kicks to the middle and high sections.

The Stance: The Stance should be about one shoulder width and one and a half shoulders long. The knees should be bent always, or they provided an easy target to become broken. The lead hand or front hand should be about brought up to apx. 20 centimeters (7.874 inches) from the shoulders to the thumb. The rear hand should be brought up to next to the cheek and apx. 2 fists widths away from it. Both elbows should be brought in to protect the body. The body should be turned about 45 degrees to provide a smaller target for the enemy. Always keep the arms up to protect the face.

The Eight methods taught in Ryu: Body skills, karate, spear fighting, staff fighting, blade-throwing, use of fire and water, fortification and strategy, and concealment.

Use the martial arts both for defense and for offensive military action.

Fighting Style: Sambo, Judo, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Kimura, Shotokan, Goju-Ryu Karate, and Muay Boran.

Anything I should add, change, and/or delete.

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