Planet Template

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Planet Template

Description: Tell us about the planet or moon, sun, etc.
Location: Which system and orbiting body of the system if a moon, include planet and star information and if sun includes all orbiting body.
Average Orbit Radius: Distance between this planet and the center of its orbit in gigameters (a million kilometers).
Eccentricity: How elliptical is the planet's orbit? How does this affect the climate and seasons?
Obliquity: At what angles does this planet's axis differ from perpendicular to its orbital plane? How does this affect the severity of the seasonal changes?
Rotational Period: How long does it take this planet to spin?
Orbital Period: How long does it take to complete a full orbit?
Planet Type: Jovian (gas planet) and/or Terrestrial (solid rock/ice), etc.
Diameter: Pole to pole, in kilometers.
Mass: The mass of this planet in yottagrams (YG) 1 septillion grams in one yottagram.
Volume: How big is this planet in zettaliters (ZI).
Surface Gravity: 1 gee or more.
Satellites: Anything that orbits the planets - moons, space station, satellites, etc.
Temperature Ranges: Hottest and coldest temperature and locations on the plane. Annual temperatures range. The average temperature over most of the planet.
Climate Ranges: Is the entire planet desert or ice, or does it have different climates and temperature zones, time zones, etc.? Which, if any, are most predominant? Where are they on the globe?
Atmospheric Composition: What is the air made of on this planet?
Atmospheric Pressure: How much pressure does the atmosphere exert on the surface of the planet? Lower pressure means less atmosphere.
Mineral Composition: Where and what elements are common on this planet and not common? Is the core different from the mantle and crust?

Anything I should add, change, and/or delete.

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