Weapons and Equipment

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Acid Neutralizer:
Acid neutralizer reduces the strength of the nonmagical acid, such as the type found in a variety of common dungeon traps.

Description: Acid neutralizer is a slippery white substance similar in appearance to soap. It is made and sold in fist-sized lumps wrapped in brown waxed paper. When dropped in acid, the neutralizer foams, and fizzes, turbulently churning the acid for 5 seconds. Neutralized acid takes on the appearance of weakly colored water, retaining only a slight tint and no odor whatsoever.

Activation: To use a lump of acid neutralizer, just drop it into a vessel containing acid. Unwrapping the lump is not necessary, because any acid strong enough to warrant neutralization will eat through the paper wrapping easily. Neutralization requires a full minute, and the acid will remain at full strength until the start of your next turn.

If you are immersed in acid while carrying lumps of acid neutralizer, they immediately activate unless stored in a stronger container, such as a metal tin. Being splashed with acid might activate the neutralizer if you keep it exposed, rather than stored in a jar.

Effect: If you drop one lump of acid neutralizer into a container holding up to 10 cubic feet of nonmagical acid, the acid is permanently weakened such that contact with the acid deals no damage. Complete immersion in neutralized acid deals only some damage per minute. Acid that has been neutralized in this manner no longer gives off toxic fumes. Larger volumes of acid require additional doses; two lumps are needed to neutralize a 20-cubic-foot vat of acid.

Neutralizer is far less effective against magic acids, which regain their full acidity after 3 to 6 minutes.

If you wear a lump of acid neutralizer in a necklace or carry it otherwise exposed on your body, the lump prevents continuing damage from acid attacks for 1 minute after initial exposure. It has no effect on the initial damage dealt by an acid attack.

Weight: 1 lb. Price: 50 gp.

Firmament Stone
This violet crystal gem has been treated with an alchemical substance that reacts to the position of either the sun or the moon. Even while indoors or below ground, you know the time of day (or night).

Description: Firmament stones are violet iolite gems that have a clear crystalline appearance. While the heavenly body to which the stone is attuned is in the sky, a small yellow light glows within the stone, crossing from one side (when the body first appears in the sky) to the other (when the body sets). By examining the position of the glow, you can approximate the time of day or night.

Activation: Once created, firmament stones always active. They need only be observed by someone who understands their significance.

Effect: Each stone is attuned to either the sun or the moon, glowing when the associated heavenly body is in the sky, and remaining dark otherwise. The stones are most useful to divine spellcasters who must prepare spells at a specific time of day. Firmament stones attuned to the moon also show the phase of the moon by altering the shape of the glow that travels through the stone each night.

Construction: 20 gp, one 50-gp iolite gemstone.

Weight: 1/2 lb. Price: 110 gp.

Ghostwall Shellac
It can be difficult to ward off creatures that have the ability to float through dungeon walls. A quick coat of ghostwall shellac will keep pesky spirits from drifting in and out of your campsite all night.

Description: Concentrated ghostwall shellac is a thick green sludge that is always warm to the touch. It is usually stored in metal vials and mixed with water when needed. Prepared shellac is lime green and runny, and it smells like dead flesh.

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