Military Pt.1

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North Mesquite Independent Military Forces (NMIMF aka "The North Legion").

Assassin Youngling:

This assassin is the basic rank for a new member and the Assassin Youngling is a child, an Assassin-in-training. No weapons except practice and blunt weapons for training.

Assassin Learner:

This assassin is the smarter and harder built rank of the assassin. Guns, basic longsword for close quarters combat and a basic dagger for last resort.

Assassin Shadower:

This assassin is a standard rank for people who use poison and stealth to kill. This is a rank that has only one requirement. That you are able to follow and kill someone without being noticed at all. This rank will be judged by Assassin's Grandmaster only (after missions). Guns, Crossbows, bows, and arrows and five throwing knives that are poisoned and hollow with the poison(s).

Assassin Knight:

This assassin is well known and respected by clan members to be a witty, clever, faithful, brave, powerful, resourceful assassin. The "Assassin Knights" are the backbone of the Republic's Army, each knight is expert in the art of warfare. They are most disciplined and experienced. No new member may immediately be recruited to this rank (without going to the council for approval). This rank's members are the only ones who can be hand-picked. This is the lowest, most basic rank of Noble Assassin. Short blade, dual hidden blades, some members choose this: a large hammer with an ax attached to the end and can take on an apprentice if he or she wants to. The heavy members use minigun that uses railgun technology.

Assassin Master:

They are the medium rank of Noble Assassin. An Assassin Knight who showed a great understanding of the Code and managed to instruct a Youngling or Learner and train them successfully to the level of an Assassin Knight was elevated to the rank of Master by The Thirteen Council.

Assassin's Grandmaster Bodyguard:

These people are also hand picked and only 10 are allowed. This is the highest rank of Noble Assassin. One for each grandmaster and one for backup. They are masters of martial arts, hand-to-hand combat, CQC and they use weapons if they can't defeat other people (last resort for certain bodyguard).

Assassin Grandmaster:

This is the highest rank possible for an assassin to ascend. Grandmaster is usually the oldest, most experienced and best trained of all Assassin. You have to have the style and will of an assassin to become the Grandmaster. There are only 5 allowed. Once a Grandmaster dies, he chooses the next highest ranking assassin or the best grandmaster to replace him. Name of each of the grandmaster: Heiwynne, Glijas, Aemo, Iaro, and Aisae (all guys except one and above 40). "Esse Paratus et sustinete Alive." Translation: "Be ready to go and are waiting for Alive"

Phrase found on all the items of The Assassins: "In Tredecim nos confídimus." Translation: "In Thirteen we trust."

Assassin Guardian:

Assassin Ace: Members of the Assassin Starfighter were known as Flightboys and specialized in using a starfighter as an extension of their being.

Edged and Blunt Weapons Instructors: Stationed at the Secret Sanctuary, these individuals are wise masters who were determined to pass down their experience to the young students of the Assassins. The highest ranking instructor within the academy was given the title of battlemeister by The Thirteen Council and was responsible for selecting and referring future instructors.

Assassin Peacekeeper: These Assassin wishing to pursue a peacekeeping role were stationed within planetary or sectoral government's security jobs (agencies) where they worked as the area's, worlds or country special police. Helping to quell riots and capture terrorists.

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