Organizations, Governments, and Alliances Template

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Organizations, Governments, and Alliances Template

Description: Description of the organizations, governments, alliances, etc.
Goals: Why do this Organization, governments, alliances, etc. exist. What is it trying to accomplish?
Headquarters: The planet, city, state, station, etc. that acts as headquarters for the organization.
Sectors of Influence: Which systems, planets, cities, etc. fall under this organization influences, and how influential is it.
Member Type: Individuals or organizations.  
Members: Individual leaders and some of the key members of the organizations.
Sub-Organization: Any companies they own, governments they control, military and/or social branches that answer to this organization. Not just members, but subsidiaries.
Structure: How the members interact, make decisions, join and leave the organization. How do they know who's in charge, and whose opinion can be ignored?
History: A brief history of this organization, name any major historical events that may have occurred?
Insignia: What symbols, flags, signs, or logos are associated with this organization? What do they put on the sides of their ships, in their advertisements, or on their uniforms, etc.?
Equipment: Any standard-issue equipment for this organization. Special equipment for sub-organization should be included in this submission.
Morals/Alignment: Evil, good, neutral, etc.? Who are they aligned with? Any factions?
Unique Attacks: Any specially trained offensive tactics?
Unique Defense: Any special trained defense tactics?

Anything I should add, change, and/or delete.

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