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This is the first book I'v ever written! I hope its not horrible! Please comment what you think! Hope whoever's reading this likes it!
*****Hermione's P.O.V*****
I waked onto the train. I saw a kid named Neville. He was looking for his toad.
I diecided to help, so I walked around asking every compartment.

I came up to a seat with two boys sitting together. I recognize one of them. He had glasses and brown hair- or at least I think I recognized him.

The other boy had red hair and a pail face I asked them, "Have you guys seen a toad. A boy named Neval has lost his." The red headed boy was holding his wand up like he was about to do a spell, "Oh you're doing magic, ok then, let's see."

He didn't do that good at it; "You outta work on that." I noticed a scar on the boy I thought I recognized him.

"Why you're Harry Potter!" "I'm Hermione Granger!" I looked over at the red headed boy, "and you are?" He answered "I'm Ron Weasly." "Pleasure," I responded, "Were about to arrive, you should change into your robes."

I left, but then rememeberd something and walked back to them.

I looked at Ron and said "You know you have dirt on your nose, right there." I pointed at my noise to show him where the dirt was. He took his hand and rubbed his nose.

*****Ron's P.O.V*****
I was just sitting there talking to Harry when this girl came up; she had a light brown, puffy, wavy hair.

She asked us if we had seen a toad. We didn't answer 'cause she saw I was about to do a spell and wanted to see it. I failed miserably.

I was so embarrassed and Harry just laughed but I was more embarrassed when she told me I had dirt on my nose, but I was also relieved that she told me- or else I would have walked into Hogwarts like that.

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