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*****Hermoine's P.O.V*****
Zoey woke me up really early, which I didn't like at all. She told me what happened yesterday with Bella.

I was so shocked and now scared. We looked over at her. She was sleeping. Zoey and I got dressed to go to class.

We didn't wake her up. When we got to class, I immediately saw Ron and Harry sitting. Ron smiled at me and I couldn't help but give him the biggest smile.

I sat down and waited for class to start. 20 minutes after class had started, Bella walked in. She looked awful, her hair was messed up, she had bags under her eyes, and her robe was messed up. The professor looked at her.

"oh so nice of you to join us for the last 5 minutes of class Bella." You could tell he wasn't happy.

Her face turned red as she sat down. She smiled at Ron, but Ron was looking at me. Then it turned into a frown.

When class was over, Lucy walked over to us. She was Zoey's friend. She was my friend too, but Zoey introduced me to her at the begining of the year.

"Hi Zoey, hi Hermione i would like to invite you to my sleepover tonight!"
"Awesome! We will be there." I said.
"Great! Bring whatever you want." Zoey left to the room to get her stash of candy while no one was in there.

"...Um..did you invite....Bella?" I asked hoping she didn't.
"No, why, do you want me to?" She asked.
"NO! It's fine! It's perfect!"
"Okay, well, I'll see you guys tonight."
"Okay. Bye Lucy." She walked away. I walked up to my room. I saw Harry.

"Hey Harry."
"Hey Hermione." He said, "Oh can I ask you something?"
"Sure Harry, what?"
"Um....do you know who....Zoey..er...likes?" He asked nervously.
"Why!!? Do you like her!!!?" "Well...yeah I do...but please don't tell her. I'm begging you!"
"It's okay Harry. My lips are sealed." I said laughing, "Do you want me to ask her if she likes you?"
"No, it's fine. I'll just talk to her and ask her myself. Okay?"
"Okay, well I have to go. Bye Harry!"
"Bye. I'll tell Ron you said hi!"

I smiled and rolled my eyes, then walked up to my room.
I walked in and saw Zoey zipping up her bag to take to the sleepover.

I got a bag and put my candy in it, my brush, some movies, my laptop, and my toothbrush. I saw Bella sitting at her bed going through her bag.

She was getting out a book and some bags with different types of leaves, which was wierd. She caught me looking at her and she quickly hid the stuff and glared at me. I looked away.

Zoe and I were on my bed reading, waiting for the time of the sleepover.
Zoey looked up at Bella. "What are you gonna do tonight?"
"Nothing, just gonna hang out here."
"Oh, okay." we went back to reading, then we got up and left to the sleepover.

"We will be back tomorrow morning. We're just a few stairs down. Okay?"

We closed the door and left. When we got there, Lucy and a bunch of other girls were there.

So was Harry, Ron, and Neville. My face lit up when I saw Ron, so did his. Harry just starred at Zoey.

"Hey! Did Lucy invite you?" "Yeah, she invited Harry, Neval, and I. Did Bella come?"
"No, why?" I asked.
"Oh, thank God. She freaks me out. She's always starring at me and it creeps me out!"

"I know right. She told Zoey she didn't like me!"
"Really, how could anyone hate you!"

I smiled and blushed. Lucy walked over to everyone, "Do you guys wanna watch a movie?"

"Sure." I got my laptop out and watched a movie. I was sitting on the couch. Ron was next to me, then Zoey, and next to her was Harry! I just remembered Ron and I talking, then falling asleep.

*****Bella's P.O.V*****
As soon as they left I got my bag that had stuff to make potions, which hermoine almost caught me putting them in here.

I went to the library to get a spell book. I was gonna put an end to this!

I got the book and went to the room. I was gonna make a potion that will make Ron like me- not Hermione.

I was making it in here, since they were gone at the sleepover, but I locked the door, just in case. I set up the stuff. I got a bottle and followed the instructions, then after an hour, I was finally done.

It was a pink color and it looked like it had diamonds in it. "All I have do tomorrow is put some in Ron's drink or food and when he eats or drinks it... He will like me- NOT! Hermoine!"

I put the potion in a bag and put the rest of the stuff in a seprate bag. I walked down to return the book. I turned it in, went to the room and went to sleep.

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