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****Annie's P.O.V****
I headed to the Great Hall Hermione told me someone was performing, but I don't know who.

When I got there I sat next to Zoey with Hermione next to her "who did you say was performing?" I asked Zoey.

"Bella" she said annoyed "Bella Malfoy?" I said looking at Hermione "yup" she said in the same way as Zoey I rolled my eyes.

We were talking when we noticed all the banners turning into the Slytherin logo, and green fog filling the room.

I looked around, and saw Snape smirking at all the kids confused faces I turned, and saw Bella coming out with two other girls.

Hermione was glaring at her one of the girls was standing behind Bella on her left, and the other girl on her right.

Bella was infront they announced her, and she started.

"They say Im trouble they say Im bad they say Im evil, and that makes me glade.

A dirty no good down to the bone your worst nightmare can't take me home.

So I got some mischief in my blood can you blame me? I never got no love.

They think Im careless a low life hood I feel, so useless misunderstood!

Mirror mirror on the wall whos the baddest of them all? Welcome to my wicked world wicked world!

Im rotten to the core! Rotten to the core rotten to the core who could ask for more?

Im nothing like the kid next like the kid next door Im rotten to the Im rotten to the core!

Call me a skimmer call me a freak how can you say that? Im just unique!

What me a trater? Anit got your back Are we not friends? What's up with that?

So Im a misfit? So Im a flirt? I broke your heart I made you hurt the past is past forgive forget.

The truth is? You anit seen nothing yet!

Mirror mirror on the wall who's the baddest of them all? Welcome to my wicked world wicked world!

Im rotten to the core rotten to the the core Im rotten to the core who could ask for more? Im nothing like the kid next like the kid next door.

Im rotten to the Im rotten to the core!

When she was done the Slytherin table was going crazy clapping, and cheering for her including Snape.

Malfoy looked annoyed the rest of the houses clapped lightly Zoey, Hermione, and I didn't clap at all.

I turned, and saw Cho, and Harry walk in holding hands I grew mad I glared at them Harry saw me, and glared at Hermione, Zoey, and me.

Cho was smirking while glaring at Zoey she ignored her we were all talking, and saw Bella walk over to Ron.

She started flirting with him making sure Hermione was watching she tried not to.

Bella walked over to Hermione twirling her hair smirking "now that you, and Ron arnt together you don't mind if I steal him from you?"

She said smirking evilly "not at all" Hermione said glaring at Ron "perfect! And don't be sad you guys weren't cute together anyways" she said flipping her hair, and skipping away.

Zoey got mad, and walked towards her I stopped her "it's not worth it" I said "it really isn't" Hermione said.

"But I'm going to do something about that" I said pointing at Harry, and Cho "no it's doesn't matter" Zoey said looking down.

I knew she wasn't over him yet clearly Harry was the little jerk that he is.

We were in the comman room I was thinking pasing around the room.

I stopped when I saw Cho, and Harry walk in they stopped Cho frowned Harry just looked down.

"Great" Zoey said quietly Cho heard her "what is? Oh that Harry, and I are together yeah it is isn't it" she said smirking at her.

I grew mad I saw Harry smirk a little when she said that Zoey had tears in her eyes.

"No its not great it's disgusting to see you two together, and you Harry everytime I see you I just want to make you regert what you did to Zoey" I said now mad.

"Don't you dare talk to him like that" Cho said.

"Wow Harry you need your girlfriend to stand up for you because you wont man up, and do it yourself just like when you didn't want to tell Zoey what you did."

I said walking closer to them Hermione, and Zoey were standing behind me.

"Why don't you shut up, and leave before you get me really mad, and trust me you don't want to do that" she said oh please "what are you going to steal my boyfriend too" I said.

"I didn't steal anyone's boyfriend Harry just got tired of Zoey, and preferred me" she said glaring at Zoey "shut up!" Zoey said slapping her.

Her face turned red she took out her want aming it at all of us "Iv had enough of all of you especially you!" she said looking at Zoey.

"You have no idea how happy I was when you were out, and when I heard you might not make it ah such a wonderful day, but when I heard you made it I was, so mad I though you died forever, and weren't coming back" she said gripping her wand.

"But now Im going to make sure you die, and never come back" she said waving her wand, and saying a spell under her breath.

"No!" Hermione screamed as a flash of green light hit Zoey.

A/:N super duper sorry it took me so long on updating I was having trouble with it, and with my other books they will be updated soon also.

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