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*****Zoey P.O.V*****
I stayed up all night Annie and Hermione fell asleep but I stayed up reading and mostly thinking about my dad.

I wrote my mum back I didint cry anymore when I thought about my dad... Well not ask much as I did before.... I watched the sun come up and got up to change.

"Your up early" Annie said yawning "yeah I didint get much sleep last night" I didint sleep at all "Ill see you two in class ok" "k" Annie said yawning again.

Hermione didint wake up I walked down to Advanced Potions class and sat down we were gonna learn about Amortenia the strongest love potion when you smell it it smells different to different people depending on what scent they find attractive.

I already knew about it Annie, and Hermione came in and sat down so did Will, Ron, and, Harry class got started and professor? Well I didint know his name but I didint drag on it he told us about it and gave us an example.

"Edward come on up and smell it lets see what it smells like to you" "ok" Edward Pipe hes a Hufflepuff has black hair and hazel eyes and a pail face he went up and inhaled.

"It smells like lavender like lavender perfume and cinnomone flavored gum."

Hermione taped me on the shoulder "um Zoey you have lavender scented perfume and you always chew cinnomone gum....."

I gave her a "your right" face and turned around when I looked up I saw Edward smiling at me and I immediately looked down thinking that Hermione was right and what if he was attracted to my scent?

Other kids went up and tried it out after class was over Will, Ron and, Harry were called to Dumbledore office.

Me, Hermione, and Annie were walking down the hall when I heard someone call my name I tured and and it was Edward he was walking towards me.

"Hey um can you help me on this paper on that potion we leaned today in class?" before I could answer Hermione answered.

"Your not just gonna make her do it for you than take all the credit are you?" she said angry "no of course not" "hmm ok" "so Zoey?" "sure when do you wanna meet up? Where?" "I was thinking the library and now?" "yeah thats fine."

I looked at Hermione and Annie "Ill see you guys later ok" "ok" they said leaving we walked to the library found a table and sat down.

"So whats the paper about?" I asked looking at it "its about the potion" "why didint other kids get one or me?" "I think the kids who went up and smelled it got it" "oh yeah so your scent was lavender perfume and cinnomone gum?"

"yeah actually Im smelling it right now" he said smiling I chuckled nervously and tured and spit out my cinnomone gum.

I tured back around to face him "so lets look at the paper" I said grabbing it, it had a bunch of questions on the potion.

"So go through and mark the ones you know" "ok" he did that then handed it back to me "oh it looks like you need help with only one?" "yeah can you help me answer it?" "yeah" I said reading the question it said.

Why did you smell the scent you smelled? And who do you think it was coming from? I looked at Edward "I cant answer these I dont know why you smelled that scent? I dont know where it came from either."

"Then why am I smelling it right now?" he said inhaling "I dont know?" "because the scent is coming from you."

"What? No its not" I said knowing it was "when ever you walk past me you smell like lavender and your always chewing cinnomone gum you were chewing it today when we came in here" "yeah but-" he cut he off "I smelled that scent because of you and I smelled it because Im attracted to you."

He said smiling wow he was not afraid to tell his feelings "so you like me?" I asked him he smiled and answered "yeah" I could feel my face getting red.

"So this is the reason you asked me to help you even though you knew the answers?" "well kinda yeah I wanted to tell you but I didint know how to" "oh" "um well I have to go I have to help Hermione with something."

I said getting up slowly he stood up also "oh yeah I have to do something thing too" "ok well Ill see you in class" I said walking away as I was he grabbed my hand I turned around quickly.

"What are you doing?" I said creeped out "oh um Thanks for helping me with the paper" "your welcome" I said pulling my hand away he smiled at me then walked away.

"Ok?" I said and walked back to my dorm when I got there I told Hermione, and Annie everything.

"He likes you?" Annie asked "yeah he told me I asked him and he said yes" "and he grabbed your hand?" "yeah just to tell me thanks but it looked like he was gonna say something else also but he just smiled and walked away" "he probably was gonna tell you something but he got nervous" Hermione said.

"Probably" "and you cant date him your dating Harry" Annie said "I know and I love Harry I would never do that to him" they both smiled at me "are they already back from Dumbledore's office?" I asked.

"Yeah they got called down there because Malfoye framed them for something but they figured it out" Annie said "so they didint get in trouble?" I asked.

No once they found out it was malfoye"I spent the rest of the day in my dorm reading.

*****Edward's P.O.V*****
When I smelled the scent I knew it was Zoey's I'v always likes her and l wanted to tell her.

She seemed a little freaked out when I told her and she seemed more freaked out when I grabbed her hand.

I was gonna ask her out but I was to nervous so I just thanked
her for helping I felt so stupid after I said that cause I didint need to grab her hand to tell her that right?

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