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*****Zoey's P.O.V*****
"He KISSED you!?" Hermione, and Annie said when I told them about Edward last night.

"Yeah! Can you believe it?! Right when I was telling him that I had a boyfriend he cut me off by kissing me" I said.

"Are you gonna tell Harry?" Annie asked "yeah of course I have to I dont want to keep this, nor anything from him" I said.

"How did it go with Ron?" I asked Hermione.

"Good I guess I forgave him, but I'm still a little mad for what he said to you" she said "thanks, we should go to class" I said even though I didint want to because then I would have to see Edward, but we went anyways.

When I walked in Edward was already there he was sitting, almost attached to my chair I walked over and sat down when he saw me he smiled.

"Look what you did yesterday crossed the line" I said he just smiled.

"I didint know there was a line to cross" he said smirking "you know what I ment, and I'll have you know I have a boyfriend" I said annoyed.

"Well you should let him know he has competition now" he said still smirking "no! He dosint I will always love him" I said.

"whatever you say" he said smiling I rolled my eyes and ignored him the rest of class.

I walked over to Hermione "ugh I can't stand Edward" I said angry "what did he do this time?" she asked.

"Everything! I told him I had a boyfriend, and he just said that Harry has "competition" now" I told her.

"Are you gonna tell Harry" she asked "yeah I'm going to tell him right now I'll see you later ok" I said "ok bye" she said leaving.

I walked over to Harry "hey" I said "hey!" he said "can I talk to you?" I asked "yeah" he said getting his stuff we walked outside.

"So, what's up?" he asked "oh, um" I was nervous "you know Edward right?" I asked "yeah...." he said.

"Well yesterday when was going to the bathroom I bumped into him, and he just kept telling me how pretty I was, and I was going to tell him that I was dating you, and as I was in the middle of telling him he cut me off by....kissing me..." I said kinda fast.

"He kissed you!" Harry said angry "yeah, but I didint kiss him back as soon as he did I pushed him away" I said.

Then I saw Edward starring at me, and Harry he was smiling at me I glared at him then he left.

"Wait till I get my hands on him" he said angry "no, just leave him I dont want you to get in trouble" I said.

"You like him dont you!?" Harry said even more angry "what! No of course not" I said "then why are you standing up for him?" he asked.

"I'm not I just said I didint want you to get in trouble for getting in a fight with him thats all."

"Whatever just tell me who you really like me, or Edward" he said walking away.

"I like you, wait no I dont like you I love you!" I said, but he just ignored me I could feel tears running down my cheeks then I ran to my dorm crying harder.

When I got in there I ran to my bed, and hid in my covers, and pillows crying Hermione saw me, and went to me.

"Oh my gosh Zoey what happened?" she asked I looked up at her still crying "Harry h-he-he" I could barley talk I was crying so hard as soon as I calmed down I told her everything.

"why are boys being such jerks lately!" Hermione said "I dont know, and I dont like Edward I love Harry why didint he Believe me!" I said crying.

"Its ok Zoey he'll get over it" she said "I hope so" I said whipping my eyes "hey do you wanna go eat dinner" Hermione asked "sure" I said.

We walked down to the Great Hall when I walked in Harry was in there, so was Edward. Just great.

We got food, and sat down I saw Harry sitting across the room he looked sad, and angry I looked at Edward he was just smiling I was, so mad at him!

As we were eating professor McGonganall announced "As you all know are annual Halloween Ball is coming up this Wednesday you may bring someone to accompany you."

As she said that Hermione whispered "in other words a date" I gave her a small smile when we were done we went to our dorm Annie was in there.

"Did you guys hear the Halloween Ball is this Wednesday!" she said squealing "yeah" I said sad because Harry was mad at me, and he probably wasint going to the ball with me.

"What's wrong?" Annie asked Hermione told her what happened today with Harry, and I.

"Oh" Annie said "yeah, and he probably isint going with me" I said wanting to cry "I dont think I'm going with Ron not that he's mad at me, but.... Oh you guys know already" Hermione said.

"Yeah, well I think its just going to be Will, and you going out of all of us" I said.

"Aww c'mon can you guys try to talk to them" Annie said "I guess I can talk to Harry for you if you want Zoey?"

Hermione asked me "yeah, and I can talk to Ron for you" I said "sure" Hermione said "we'll talk to them tomorrow ok?" Hermione said "ok."

*****Harry's P.O.V*****
When McGorganal announced that the Halloween Ball was coming up I wanted to go with Zoey, but then I remembered what a jerk I was to her to my own girlfriend!

So I decided I was going to apologise to her tomorrow, and ask her to the ball I just hope I wasint a really big jerk...probably was....

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