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Hey guys this is my first story, so i hope you like it plz comment on and tell me what you think of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BTW this is the 2012 turtles!

It was 11:00 pm, Donnie was making a special kind of reto-mutagen. Donnie took a sample of the purple ooze and put it under a microscope. "Alright mutant cells please turn normal!" Pleaded Donnie, he looked through the microscope and the mutant cells started changing. suddenly the cells turned completely normal. "I did it," he chuckled "I really did it!" he cheered at his success. "guys guys get in here!" Donnie yelled for his brothers which they were in the living room.

"What is it Donnie, i was in the middle of eating!" raph groaned walking in the lab.

"I've made a special kind of reto-mutagen that will turn the mutant normal forever!" Donnie said proudly holding up the ooze. "by the way where is mikey?" he asked looking around the his lab.

"Mikey said that once he beats a level on his game he is coming." leo said standing next to raph.

"Wait a minute... isn't reto-mutagen supposed to be orange,.. not purple?" raph  scratched his head in confusion.

"Raph i did say it was  special reto-mutagen didn't I" donnie said still holding up the ooze.

"Oh right.." raph smiled at donnie realizing that he did say that.

Mikey finished beating a level on his game and started walking towards the lab. "Sorry i'm late i had to-" mikey was cut off by tripping over a pen. He bumped into dinnie which made him spill the purple ooze all over the turtles.

"Mikey!" donnie yelled

"I'm sorry i didn't mean to!" mikey said in a scared tone worried on what might happen to them.

Donnie looked at his brothers and himself, they looked at normal, still turtles. donnie looked at the clock it was 11:30 pm. "Let's all just go to bed." donnie spoke soft, like a whisper.

They all nodded and went to to their rooms. It was 9:00 am and mikey was still asleep. it was now 9:30 am, finally woke up and he looked at his hands. "What the!" mikey noticed that instead of 3 fingers he had 5, he also noticed that his skin wasn't light green anymore it was a tan color. he stood up, he was wearing an orange T-shirt with a slice of pizza on the front, he had khaki shorts. He walked over to a mirror and looked at his hair. His hair was orange curly hair with freckles on his cheeks, with light blue eyes. "whoo this freaky!" he was so confused that just stayed in his room.

Next door donnie woke up and he sure did have a surprised face! "Oh my god!" he looked in the mirror and he didn't know what to tell his brothers. he wore an hawaiian shirt with white pants, his skin was lighter than mikey's. donnie had red-brownish eyes with brown hair. "What am i going to do?" donnie took a blood sample from his arm and put it under the microscope.

In raph's room,  raph walked out of his room and towards the bathroom, unaware that he is not a turtle anymore. he walked past the mirror, then he finally realized that he wasn't  kelly green or had 3 fingers, his skin was a little bit darker tan donnie's but lighter than mikey's. he has emerald green eyes with dirty-blond hair, he wore a plain red tank top with black sweat-pants. "What the heck happened to me?" he looked at his hands then face. "I gotta get donnie! but first." he took his tooth brush and brushed his teeth.

In leo's room, leo sat on his bed looking at his skin, hands, and cloths. he didn't have 3 fingers he had 5. he got up from his bed and walked over to his desk and took the mirror off his desk and looked at his hair. he wore a dark and light blue stripped shirt with blue jeans, his hair was short black  with midnight blue eyes. "Why am i human? It must have been that special reto-mutagen donnie made." he thought to hisself  "Well if i'm human than my brothers are too." leo's skin was the lightest out of his brothers. leo walked out of his room and saw raph and mikey.

"So you two humans too?" raph look at his brothers as they nodded. "We need to get donnie!" raph imformed

leo looked at raph and nondded "I agree" with that the three brothers went to donnie's lab (his room)

They walked in and notice that donnie had turned human. "donnie what happened to us?!" mikey asked standing between leo and raph.

Donnie looked at his brothers "That special reto-mutagen i made, some how when it spilled on us it turned us human." he turned back to his computer. "I took a blood sample from my arm, and i anlized it." he informed

mikey just stared at donnie in confusion. "I was seeing what the special reto-mutagen did to our blood cells." donnie said to mikey :Ohhhhh, what did the special reto-mutagen do to our blood cells?" mikey asked looking at the screen.

"Well it appears that we have human cells mixed with mutant cells." donnie told his brothers.

raph walked over to donnie "What does that mean genius?" raph growled at his brother

"It means that we can change into our human forms to our mutant forms!" donnie glared at raph "Maybe i can invent something that will make it easier to switch forms." 

leo put his hand on donnie's shoulder "If you can, that will help us control our forms." he encourage donnie "I just have one question, i thought that the special reto-mutagen was supposed to turn the mutant back to it's original form? why did we turn human and not back to turtles?" donnie put his finger under his chin. "Well i think that when i made the special reto-mutagen it was supposed to turn the mutant human." donnie informed 

"What are we going to tell splinter?" leo asked nervously 

"I don't know, but we have to tell him!" donnie answers back in a panic

raph walked beside donnie then said, "Hey donnie since your human maybe you have a shot with april!" raph smirked 

donnie's face turned red "Not funny raph!" donniw yelled at his brother. donnie has had a crush on april since the day he saw her.

the brothers walked in the dojo and saw splinter's reaction to their appearance, shocked. splinter walked toward his sons, "How did this happen ?" he spoke softly. he wasn't mad or sad just surprised.

donnie told splinter everything. 

"So now what?" raph asked while running his fingers in his dirty-blond hair.

splinter looked at his sons and said, "I will call april" the brown and white rat walked to his cheese phone. 

"I could get used to this!" mikey said while making a bowl of cereal. splinter walked in the kitchen where the turtle humans were. "I explained everything to april, she said she will be over in 15 minutes" they all nodded "That might give enough time to invent something for us to control our forms." donnie walked to his lab.

Wel tell what you thing i will update soon, the new chapter will be called stirling lakes high. plz check out my other books.

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