Splash Bash

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Hey guys here is the new chapter "Splash Bash" HOPE YOU LIKE IT!!! plz comment

It was 6:00 and Mikey was the first one awake, which was a surprise, he got up put on a white shirt with a polar bear on the front, gray pants with his favorite white vans. He brushed his orange curly hair, brushed his teeth and put on his gray beanie hat. (which is a hat that looks like a winter hat) Mikey walked out and headed to the kitchen to make breakfast, he made scramble eggs with bacon.

Leo heard his alarm go off, (it went off at 6:15)  he sat up and yawned. He wore a blue shirt with blue jeans, blue and white nikes. he combed his soft black hair and brushed his teeth. After he made sure he looked ok in the mirror he walked out of his room and into the kitchen for breakfast.

"Morning Leo" Mikey said then passed him a plate.

"Morning Mikey thanks for breakfast." he smiled at his little brother

Mikey smiled back and spoke with his innocent voice, "Your welcome" "

"Mikey go wake up Raph while i'll wake up Donnie." Mikey nodded then Leo went to Donnie's room, he walked in and Donnie was in his mutant form peacefully sleeping on his stomach. Leo walked up and shook his arm lightly, Donnie groan and sat up rubbing his eyes. "What are you doing in here Leo?" Donnie asked lazily

Leo smirked because Donnie over slept. "What am i doing, what are you doing, it's 7:00 Donnie!" Donnie's eyes widen and his jaw dropped.

"WHAT!!!!!!!, i over slept!" with that Donnie swung the covers off him, Leo walked out chuckling to himself. Donnie switch the switch on the watch and turned into his human form. Donnie grabbed his clothes and put on a black and white stripped shirt with blue jeans and black and white converse. He brushed his smooth brown hair and brushed his teeth. He grabbed a plate of food and ate it fast.

Meanwhile Mikey is trying to wake up Raph, Mikey entered Raph's room and walked slowly towards his bed. He was in his turtle form and snoring pretty loud, Mikey was about to nudge Raph's arm until Raph's hand grabbed his wrist. "MIKEY WHAT THE SHELL ARE YOU DOING!!!!"  Raph growled

Mikey was shocked, he didn't know what to do so he just gulped and spoke nervously. "Y....you...over...slept." he stuttered hoping Raph won't hurt him.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME!" he yelled and pushed Mikey out the door and switch into his human form. He wore a black shirt that said "I like my music loud", he put on black joggers with black jordans. He combed his thick dirty-blond hair and brushed his teeth and went to the kitchen. There was only one plate left so he grabbed it and scarf it down. Leo came from behind him and said,

"Whoo easy there Raph your going to choke." Leo smirked, Raph turned and looked at Leo with food in his mouth.

"Shut up!" he yelled, then Leo walked out of the kitchen and headed out the lair with his brothers.

They were half way there until they saw April and Cassy. They waved to the brothers as they walked to them. "Hey guys" April and Cassy said together

"Hey" the turtle humans said

April then started to speak, "Did you guys here about the pool party Emily is throwing?" they shook their heads no. "Well Emily is throwing a pool to celebrate her first year in 11th grade! And everyone is invitded" April said cheerfully

Raph growled "Why would anybody throw a party for a stupid reason like that?!"

April just smirked then said, "Maybe because you never been invited to party before" her smirk grew wider and Raph just huffed. Suddenly Leo got a text, can you guess who?

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