Friends and the start of something evil!

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Hey guys i'm back, and I am so sorry that I haven't updated in a long time. I have so busy with school, andI had to prepare for the hurricane. Anyways I hope u love this chapter. Please tell me what you think of this chapter.


It was Saturday, I had thought a lot about what i'm going to say to my brothers. Karai was the girl we fought along time ago. what would my brother say when I tell them? Will they still want to be friends with her? Would they accept the fact that i'm dating her? Either way I have to tell them. 

I removed the covers from my body and I went towards my closet. I put on a plain white shirt, a blue and black checker pattern flannel, black pants, and my blue and black Nikes. I comb my soft black hair and I brushed my teeth.

Once I walked out I see my brothers all in the kitchen. This isn't gonna be easy, where am I supposed to start? Just breath Leo! 

Mikey already had a plate of breakfast for me, so i just sat down next to Donnie. We were all in our human form, which is still a little weird for me still. Now i'm just stalling, I have to tell them now! Just let it out Leo!

"KARAI IS THE GIRL FROM THE FOOT CLAN!"  wow Leo that could've went smoother! Raph spit out his food, Donnie choked on his food, and Mikey dropped his spoon. They all started at me, which was kinda creepy. 

"WHAT?!" They yelled in union, alright Leo just tell them!

"Remember the girl we fought about a year ago?" I asked and they all nodded.

"Well the karai in our class is the same girl a year ago." I tried to put on a smile.

"I knew she looked familiar!" Donnie explained

"She was kicked out of the foot clan because she didn't want to kill us." I said with confidence.

"Oh how nice!" Mikey said happily

" But why does she look so different now?" Raph asked grumpily and shoving eggs in his mouth.

"Because she wanted to start her life over. Her Aunt got her in school so she could do better." I said, then taking a sip of my drink.

"At least shes making an effort." Donnie said

"So shes not trying to kill us?" Mikey asked a little confused.

"No shes not Mikey." I told him

"How can you trust her Leo? She could be lying to you?!" Raph asked angrily

"Because I have a feeling that I i love her." I say while blusing. Raph started laughing which mad me kinda mad.

"You've loved her since the day you met her!" Raph tells me, hes right I have loved her since the day i met her. I know he wasn't saying that as an insult or trying to mean.

"Your right Raph, I have." I put on a big smile which caused everybody to smile. 

" Oh and one more thing." i added

"karai and I are dating." i say happily. Donnie's smile increased.

"HA I WIN! PAY UP!" Donnie yell at Raph, I raised my eyebrow. I saw Raph give Donnie $20! Did they bet or something?

"DAMNIT" Raph yelled in anger.

"What just happened?" I asked them

"Raph and I made  bet." Donnie said in a "duh" tone. I gave Donnie a "no sh!t" look.

"Raph said You and Karai would go out in a week after your date. while I said you guys would date after the date." Donnie explains

"Why would you guys do that?" I ran my right hand over my face, a little irritated

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