Finding Out

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Hey guys, I know its been a while. I've just been lazy, and busy with school and holidays. Anyways I hope you like this chapter. Just to let you guys know i'm gonna change Shini's personality a little.


I felt my whole body heat up when I saw her in gym class. Her eyes matched her hair, she has flawless skin, pink lips, straight hair, she was perfect. I wanted to talk to her so bad, but my shyness got the better of me. She looked like she doesn't talk much, which i'm gonna change. But what is this feeling? Whenever I look at her I can't seem to breath. I need to know her name! I turned to Donnie who was on his phone playing 'Word Feud' with April. But before I could say anything our gym teacher spoke.

"Alright listen up!" He always had that deep voice that could pierce through your skin when he yelled.

"This is Shini Gami! She just transferred from OakLake High so treat her with respect! Now get off your asses and do something!" Some of us don't like to play, like Donnie, April, and Leo. Shini just sat all the way at the top of the bleachers. She put in her earphones and started doing something on her phone. I wanted to talk to her, is that a good idea? I don't know but it's worth a try. I stood up and gathered up confidence and started walking to her. How should I start off? What should I say? I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't even notice that i'm standing right in front of her! She pulled out one earphone and stared at me. No going back now!

"Hi!" I said that too loud!!! OH MY GOSH!!!!!!! She flinched, I coughed.

"I mean 'Hi'" I said in a calmer tone. She gave me a smile...... omg!

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell like that." I nervously said while scratching my neck.

"It's fine. Sorry for being so jumpy." No way, she's so cute!

"No, it's fine. No need to apologize." I smiled and she smiled back.

"I....uh.... came over here to talk to you." I'm shaking so bad.

"Oh, about what?" She asked.... I didn't think that far ahead!

"Umm, anything." She tilted her head, what am I thinking?!

"I mean... like why did you transfer?" I sat down next to her, she pulled out the other earphone.

" I transferred because I wanted to be close to my cousin." She responded

"Who's your cousin? If you don't mind me asking." I was interested.

"I don't mind. Her name is Karai." I blinked at her. Did she say......noooo.

"I'm sorry, I don't think I heard you right. Did you say 'Karai'?" I needed to make sure.

"Yes." Oh no.

"Oh okay." This is gonna suck.

"Why do you seem disappointed?" She asked me.

"I'm not haha!" I'm so dead.

We kept talking for the whole period. I learned that she loves to write, it could be about anything. She likes the beach and animals. She really fun to talk to, I wanna get to know her more. But she's Karai's cousin, what if Karai finds out i'm talking to shini and gets mad? What if she thinks i'm trying to hook up with her?! I mean I would want to date Shini.... wait....WHAT AM I TALKING ABOUT?! I need to talk to someone! But who? I can't talk to Leo, he's with Karai, maybe April, nah she would tell Karai, Donnie! I ran through the halls  dodging all the students, a teacher told me to slow down, but I needed to get to Donnie's advance algebra class. It was so far away, it took me at least a minute. 

"Donnie!" I shouted in the classroom making him jump and everyone look at me. The bell didn't ring so it was okay..... right? 

"Michelangelo, can I help you?"  Donnie's teacher asked me, I heard he's strict. I mean he even looks mean, he kinda looks like a horse haha. 

"What's funny." Oops.

"Nothing, I um need to talk to my brother hehe." I nervously said, he just stared at me with a grumpy  look....ew. He sighed,

"Fine you have until the bell rings." He walked back to his desk doing whatever. I ran towards Donnie, and grabbed his hand getting him out of his chair.

"Come on Donnie." I dragged him towards the door.

"What's the matter?!" He tried to protest, but I didn't let him. We made it out the door.

"What is it Mikey?" Donnie asked clearly annoyed, I looked around making sure we were alone, I mean even walls have ears.

"I need help understanding something." I said slowly, he looked confused.

"Understanding an assignment?" Of course he would think about school.

"No, like.... I mean...." I didn't know how to ask Donnie, but not give away that I might actually like her.

"Are you okay Mikey? You seem lost, which isn't really anything new." Is he making fun of me? What the hell! I shook my head,

"No! I mean 'yes' i'm okay! (Sigh) Just listen, how do you feel when you see April?" He blushed, everyone knows he's had a crush on April for the longest time.

"I....I...I don't know what you're talking about...." Does he think I'm stupid......don't answer that.

"Everyone knows Donnie, now just tell me." He's making this harder than is needs to be.

"Well when she's around... I get all queasy." Huh? Queasy? What the hell does that mean?

"Huh?" I tilted my head.

"My body heats up, and I start to stutter a lot." His body heats up, okay check.

"What else?" I needed more information.

"I get all nervous around her, I can't talk right to her." Nervous check, can't talk Check.

"Does your heart beat a lot?" He blushed,

"Y..yes." Beating heart check.

"Thanks D. I'll be going now." 

"Mikey what was all this for?" What should I say? I can't tell him.....Yet......I'm still confused on what i'm feeling.

"That's for me to know and for you not to know. And don't tell anyone! With that said I ran away.... ugh i'm a dork! When I got to my class I took out my notebook and started making a list.

My body heats up

I do stutter

I get nervous

I can't talk

My beating heart 

Donnie feels this way because he loves April.....does that mean......I love shini?!

I hope you liked this chapter, I will be making a special chapter next, like maybe a New Year or a late Christmas chapter. Tell me what you think, and if there is anything you would want in the story, tell me. 

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