the truth be told

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Hey ppl sorry i haven't updated in a long time. I've been so busy with stuff. I hope you like this chapter. Karai's dress above.


Karai's pov~

As I was standing in the mirror in my blue dress with my hair down, light pink lipstick, royal dark blue eye-shadow to match my dress, sliver flats, and a sliver necklace to go with my flats.

As I was standing in the mirror in my blue dress with my hair down,  light pink lipstick, royal dark blue eye-shadow to match my dress, sliver flats, and a sliver necklace to go with my flats

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I twirled around in the mirror, then I hear my door open

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I twirled around in the mirror, then I hear my door open. As I turned I seen tears of joy in Aunt Shero's eyes.

"Your growing up so fast!" Aunt Shero said as she hugged me. I got out of her embrace and grabbed her shoulders.

"I'll be fine Aunt Shero, I'll be back around 10:00." I told her with a smile. She smiled back, then her smile faded. I looked at her with worry.

"Are you okay Aunt Shen?" She looked at the floor then at me.

"Are you going to tell him?" As she said that my heart twisted.I'm going to have to tell Leo the truth.

"Yes I am." Even though Leo might not want to talk to me anymore i want him to know the truth. Aunt Shero smiles and that makes me happy.

As i was making sure everything on good i heard a knock on my door. I ran to the door and I saw Aunt Shero gigging in the kitchen. I opened the door and let me tell you now, I like what I'm seeing! Leo was standing in the door way with a red rose in his hand. I could kinda see is abs through his white shirt, i felt like i was going to faint!


when she opened the door my eyes widen and my jaw dropped. Her dress was showing off her curves. I don't know why she put makeup on because she already looks hot! I finally snapped out of my trance.

"You look fantastic karai!" I said as I gave her the rose. She blushed and took the rose and said,

"Thanks, You Don't look so bad yourself." I blushed at her comment.

"Shall we go?" I asked with my hand out.

"We shall." she said with a smile and took my hand.

As we were walking to the car i seen her eyes widen. I raised an eyebrow.

"Umm are you ok?" i asked then she faced me.

"You have a CAR!" She screamed in excitement. I just laughed.

"Yep It's my brother's car, and If i get one scratch on his car he will kill me!" She giggled, dam that giggle. I opened the door for her and she got in. I got in the drivers seat. After about 30 minutes we make it to the beach and sun started to set. We got out of the car ans started walking along the shore.

"What have you been up to?" i asked, she looked at me.


"What have you been up to?" He asks me, I just look at him. I can't tell him yet.

" I'm trying to pass 11th grade and get in college." I tell him

"What about you?" He just shrugs his shoulders

"Nothing really, just trying to get school work done." he says to me and i just smile. Not yet Karai wait until he's in a good mood. I think in my head.

"How about your brothers?" I tried changing the subject. He smiles

"I love my brothers, sure they can be a pain, but they have they're moments." I giggle, It's nice to know he loves his brothers. okay Karai tell him now. I think.

"Umm Leo i need to tell you something." I stared at the ground.


Leo looks at her with worry.

"Karai what's wrong?" They both stopped walking and Karai just looks into his midnight blue eyes. Karai starts to speak.

"I know your probably going to hate me and not want to talk to me anymore!" She said as her insides tighten.

"I could never hate you karai!" Leo said. well see about that karai thought. She started to speak again.

"I know you and your borthers are not human." Leo's face was blank.

"I know this because..... I was the girl you used to fight!" Her eyes started to water. Leo was in pure shock.

"I changed my look so you wouldn't recognize me, I used to be in the foot clan. I quit the foot clan because my father, Shedder, ordered me to kill you and your master." Karai stared crying, Leo couldn't believe what he was hearing. He knew Karai looked like the girl he used to fight. That's why he fell in love with her, she was Karai he loved. He felt bad seeing Karai cry, he hated seeing her cry.

"When I refused he abandon me and I went to my Aunt's house." she said through sobs.

"I never meant to hurt you! I'm so sorry Leo!" Leo knew he could believe Karai. He lifted up her chin. Amber eyes meant midnight eyes. She blushed.

"Karai, I believe you, I know you didn't want to hurt me or my family." With that said Leo started to lean in, Karai's heart pounded. His lips meant hers. Karai was shocked, but then closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around his neck. Leo didn't really know what to do, so he followed his instincts. He put his hands on her hips, the kiss was sweet. She slid her tongue across Leo's bottom lip. He jumped a little, he opened his mouth and her tongue danced with his. They broke apart panting. Karai looked at Leo and smiled.

"So does this mean I'm Your boyfriend?" He asked smiling. She just laughs

"Yes it does." She hugged him. They walked back to the car and drove to Karai's house. They made it back to Karai"s house. they got out of the car and walked up to the door step.

"Thanks for tonight and thank you for understanding Leo." she hugged him.

"Don't worry Karai I still love you and my brothers will understand to" Leo hugged her back.

"Let's hope so." She gives Leo a peck on the lips and opens the door. Leo gets back into thecar and drives back to the lair. Everyone was sleeping so Leo walks into his room and lays down. He's thinking about what Karai had said to him. He's going to have to tell his brothers and Spinter. He was also thinking about that kiss, he wishes he could kiss her again.

Well what did you think? I will update as soon as i can. Plz comment.

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