Stirling lakes high

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hey guys i got bored so i decided to make chapter two, plz comment on the story. enjoy!!!! BTW they are 16 years old, cassy is 17, april is 16.

Donnie worked on watches for him and his brothers while waiting for april. "Alright, done!" just in time when April arrived.

The turtle humans all sat in the kitchen when donnie showed up. "Hey guys" april waved to the turtles human, but not shocked that they're not turtles.

"hey april" the boys said all together. "Where's cassy?" raph asked while getting a glass of orange juice.

"He went to talk to master splinter about you guys turning human." she said, then quickly added "But i am surprised that he is even close to splinter since he is a rat!" (cassy id afraid of rats)

Donnie stood up and pulled out the watches. "I finished making the watches that will help us keep our transformation under control." donnie informed, then put his watch on. Donnie's watch is black with a purple light going through it. He gave his brothers their watches. "Once you put it on it might hurt a little, because the watch is trying to adjust to both human and mutant cells." donnie informed his brothers.

Mikey put his black watch with a orange light going though it on, and just as donnie said it hurt putting it on.

Raph put his black watch with a red light going though it on, it didnt hurt him as much as mikey but it still hurt.

Leo put his black watch with a blue light going though it on, it did hurt him but just like raph it didn't hurt as much.

"Alright now that you have your watches, if look at the bottom of the watch their is a switch." donnie pointed at the bottom of his watch. "There are two letters on both sides of the switch. The letter M means mutant and the letter H means human." he said pointing at the two letters of the switch. "That's how we're going to be transforming." his brothers nodded

"Ok now that you got that out of the was i great news!" april said excitedly

"What's the great news april?" raph asked then started drinking his orange juice

"I've asked master splinter and he said it was ok to enroll you guys into stirling lakes high!" she cheered, and with said raph spit out his orange juice.

"WHAT!?" raph yelled

"Yup so were are going to to shopping for cloths, school supplies, shoes, hair brush, cologne,shampoo and conditioner, mouthwash and that's all i think of at the moment." april said to the turtle humans, which their jaws dropped.

"Your kidding right?!" leo asked


Cassy ran out the dojo and said, "Later guys i just rememberi had homework to do!" he waved bye

April waved bye back. sighs "Classic Jones" she said shaking her head

"I Can not believe that we have to go to school!" raph growled

"April is right you need to go to school, that's why i enrolled you into stirling lakes high." a voice said coming from the dojo

mikey looked at splinter "why do we have to go to school?" mikey asked with his innocent voice

splinter stroked his rat bread and said, "because you need your education." splinter said closing his eyes then add, "Plus it's the law!"

"How did you enroll us when you can't even be seen by other humans?" leo asked standing up

April walked beside splinter "There is something called the internet you know." april said "Let's go!" april said pointing towards the exit of the lair.

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