The Date

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Hey guys the new chapter is up and i hope you enjoy it. Plz comment and like i said i will be making a new book soon.


My alarm went off at 6:00 am, i stood up and walked towards my closet. I put on a blue and black checker pattern flannel with black pants and blue and black nikes. I combed my black hair and tied my shoes. I had decided that i'm going to ask the girl i like out on a date. (A/N~ lets see who it is) She probably doesn't like me back and might say no, but i have to do this because it's driving me crazy. I just have one problem,...... i don't know where to take her! Plus i don't even know how to be romantic. Maybe i can ask Donnie on where to take her, since he is romantic.

Once i had finished my morning routine i went to the kitchen to find my youngest brother making pancakes. He looked towards me ans smiled

"Mornin bro!" He said happily and pasted me a plate of 2 pancakes 

"Morning MIkey" i smiled back, i wonder if Mikey will find a special girl out there. suddenly Donnie came walking in and he looked like he hit by a truck because he was holding his back groaning, plus he bags underneath his eyes. "Morning Donnie" i said in a confused way. he looked up and gave me and Mikey i tried smile.

"Morning, *yawn* what's for breakfast?" he asked then yawned, Mikey passed him a plate of pancakes. He ate in silence and i had just finished my breakfast, i went back to my room to grab my blue and black book bag. I sat my book bag in the living room waiting for my brothers to hurry up and get ready so we can go to school. I plugged in my ear phones and listened to one of my favorite songs 'on top of the world'  (not by image dragons, i just forgot whom the song was by sorry)  

Raph finally decided to get ready, even though is was 6:40. I sat on the couch for about 15 minutes, then Raph came up to me and pulled out my ear phones out of my ears! Which hurt my ears! "Raph what the shell is wrong with you?! Do you have any brain cells?!" I yelled while he just smirked, i would love to wipe that smirk of his face but sadly we have to go to school.

On the way there i turned to Donnie to ask him where should i take Karai, and it is embarrassing because you would think that being the oldest you would already know what to do!

"Hey Donnie i want to ask this girl out on a date, but i don't know where to take her!" i blushed, everyone stopped and looked at me. Raph was holding his stomach while laughing his butt off, which made me mad! Donnie and Mikey just looked at me with wide eyes. Raph finally stopped laughing and wiped his laughter tears away. He turned to me and started to giggle again while talking.

"Why are you asking nerd over here? what if i know!" he said in a frustrated tone

"Because Donnie knows how to be romantic, so he would know where to take her." i said firmly then quickly added, "Plus all you would say is take her the skate park." i smirked and you could see a van pop out of his head ready for a fight. Donnie saw this quickly pulled Raph back. 

Donnie spoke "Well i would take her to the beach at night, this Friday since it's a full moon." Donnie said putting his finger on his chin.

"Sounds good, Thanks Donnie!" i said running ahead to meet Karai at the entrance of the school.


 Wow i can't believe that Leo is finally going to ask Karai out on a date! I have to admit i'm a little jealous because i've liked April since we met and i've haven't had the guts to ask her. But on the other hand i'm happy for him and i hope she would say yes.


It took him long enough, i was getting tired of watching him blush every time she was around. I hope he doesn't act like an idiot on the date, then again i kinda of want him to embarrass himself. And i wasn't going to say skate park!


I'm really happy for my brother and i wish i could spy on them to see what they're doing but Donnie said no. I wish him good luck!


I ran though the hallways because since she wasn't at the entrance of the school then she must be heading to English class. I finally get to class and i see Karai sitting in her seat by the window. She noticed me standing in the doorway and waved. I waved back and walked towards her, my heart started to pound each step i took. When i reached her i was nervous that i started to sweat. I took a deep breath and my midnight blue eyes captured her amber eyes. 

"Ka...Karai" my hands started to shake and i see that she was confused

"Yes" she said in a confused tone which made more nervous

"I...was...wondering...if...we...could...go...out" i blushed and my heartbeat was beating so fast that i thought it was going to explode. 


  "I...was...wondering...if...we...could...go...out on Firady?" Leo asked me nervously, my heart stopped and everything around started to go in slow motion. I didn't know what to say, i really liked Leo, but i don't anything about dates! I just have to do my best. 

I took a deep breath "Yes Leo i would love to go out with you." i blushed and i swear i could see his face turn red a tomato. 

"Great i will pick you up at 8, and wear something not fancy and something that is comfortable." He told me and i nodded, i could tell that this going to be the best day of my life!

So what did you think? Plz comment and the next chapter will be called "The Date Part Two" and i hoped you liked this chapter. I will update soon bye!

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