Stay away!

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Hey guys, sorry it took so long to update. I had a lot of family stuff going on, so here is the next chapter. Please let me know in the comments what you would like in the story. I will be adding Apriltello. I hope you enjoy this chapter. 


  The bell rung and we all walked out of class, Karai and I have to part ways sadly. I have Biology and she has Spanish class with Raph, Mikey, and Cassy. I give her a kiss good bye and walked to class. As I was walking to class I remembered that I left my notebook In my last class. I turned to Donnie and April,

"Damnit, i'll catch up with you guys, I left my notebook in English." I told them.

"Alright Leo, but you better be back before the second bell rings." Donnie warns me, I nod my head, and started jogging back to English. 

"No! Now get off me!" I heard a girl scream, and not just any girl! My girl! I ran as fast as I could to the source of Karai's voice. I turned the corner, and saw Troy holding Karai against the lockers. My blood started to boil, I knew this guy was off from the minute he sat next to me. I ran towards Karai just as he was about to kiss her, due to tears forming in her eyes she couldn't see me. I grabbed Troy and threw him to the other side of the hallway. I stood in front of Karai protecting her. 

"BITCH!" I yelled at troy who leaned on the lockers in pain. I'm glad he's hurt, nobody messes with Karai and get's away with it! I looked back and saw Karai smiling at me, I guess she's happy to see me. 

"You bastard!" Troy said behind me, I turned to face him. 

"I already told you that she is mine!" I glared at him. All he did was chuckle, he took his tie off. If he want's to fight me then bring it! 

"She will be mine!" He declared, who the hell does he think he is?

"You'll have to go through me first." I stated.

"That can be arranged." He challenged, I turned my head to the side so my eye was looking at Karai. 

"Karai.... go." I said to her blankly, she wasn't too happy about my statement. (I took that from season 3 episode 20)

"Like hell I'm leaving you here! Leo there's something you should know about Troy! He works for Shredder!" My eyes widen. The Shredder?! Now I'm really gonna beat this guy up!

"Karai, I don't want you getting hurt. Please..." She huffed, but she did as she was told. Meanwhile I heard Troy laughing.

"What's so funny?!" I yelled, he had the same grin on his ugly face! 

"I'm really surprised that you actually think you could beat me." He was cocky, he's up to something. 

"We'll see about that." With that said I got into a fighting stance and so did he. He let out a battle cry and charged at me, he was about punch me square in the face. I blocked the punch, but it made my feet slide back. He went for a low kick, which I jumped to dodge. As I did that he had a smirked on his lips, and now I know that jumping was a back move. 

He brought he leg up, twisted his hips making his foot hit my rib cage. I slammed against the lockers, holding my side. Troy charged at me with another kick, aiming for my stomach, I moved to the side and went behind him. I punch him the back making him fall to the ground. He caught me off guard by grabbing my legs making me fall as well. 

He mounted me about to throw punches at my face, but I bucked my hips upward which made him fall to the side. I tried to get up, but he was fast and grabbed me by the shirt and pushed me against the lockers. As he was about to strike at my face, I kneed him where the sun does not shine (his crotch).  He fell to the ground holding his crotch,I was about to walk away but he put me in a headlock. Soon the security guards came along with the principal and Karai. 

The guards pull us a part, and the principal didn't look happy neither did karai. 

"Both of you come now!" Principal Sharol said in a stern voice. She faced Karai,

"You too Missy, since you claim to know what happened." Karai nodded.

 And for some odd reason the guards put me and Troy in HANDCUFFS! I mean is it really that necessary? Troy walked in front of me while Karai walked be side me.

"Am I getting expelled?" I whispered to Karai. Hopefully I'm not. She looked at me with no emotion except hurt. Does she think this is her fault? It's not her fault, it was my actions.

"I don't know yet, principal Sharol will see who's fault it is, and based on the situation." She stated calmly. I knew she blamed herself even though she won't admit it, she's stubborn like that. We turned a corner into the 10th grade hallways.

"This isn't your fault Karai." I told her, she looked down.

"Yes it, if I was stronger, I could have got Troy off me." I hated when she blames herself even though she doesn't need to. 

"Babe, he had you pinned." She smiled knowing that she loves it when I call her "babe".

"That maybe so, but I still should have done something." The thought of what troy could do to karai made my stomach turn. Losing karai is heartbreaking, especially to another guy. We stopped by the nurse's office, I don't know why though. The principle faced us and said,

"Leo and Troy, the nurse with take care of your wounds. The security guards will stay here until nurse Kate fixes your injuries. Understood?" She asked sharply, which we both nodded to. Troy sneered at me as the guard took off his handcuffs, mine as well.

"Principle Sharol, can I stay with Leo please? I'm worried about him." She asked hoping she will say yes. 

"You may." That's all she said then walked out. The nurse put me and Troy in separate rooms so we wouldn't fight. Nurse Kate went to take care of Troy's wounds first, leaving me and Karai alone (smirk). I sat in the chair closest to the door and Karai sitting in the one beside me. 

"your gonna be okay Leo." She said holding my hand, she smiled.

"I know Karai, because I have you." I smiled back. She stood up and sat on my lap, I looked at her confused and all she did was smirk. She leaned in and placed her lips on mine. I smiled, and I let my tongue slide across her bottom lip asking for entrance. She happily applied, opening her mouth, our tongues slid along each other making her moan, I smirked. I put my hands on her butt while she put her arms around my neck. We pulled away and put our foreheads together. 

"I love you babe." I whispered.

"I love you too." She smiled.

  I hope you enjoyed this chapter, Please tell me what you think. This took me a long time to make, I'll update as soon as I can. Also if you give me an idea on what to put in the story I will give you a shout out. 

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