The Date part 2 getting ready

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Hey guys, sorry i haven't updated in a long time I've been so caught up in school and at home. anyways i hope you like this chapter. 


I was in class not really paying any attention to Ms.trouble. Since I don't have class with Leo for 6th period, i'm just bored. Leo told me that he was taking me to the beach for our date at 8;00! I'm really excited, i think i will wear a blue beach dress. 

After the bell rung i texted Leo saying that "i'll walk home alone." He texted back, he put a sad emoji face and said "ok be safe." I love it when he worries about me.

As i'am walking i started to think, i know that Leo and his brothers are not really humans. I know that they are really teenage mutant ninja turtles. I know because i used to be in the foot clan. My father, the shredder, told me to kill the turtles and Hamato Yoshi, but i just couldn't do it. It was wrong to kill innocents, he blames Yoshi for my mother's death. Yoshi had nothing to do it! How am i going to tell Leo that i know his secret, how am i going to tell him about shredder? Will he still like me? Will his brothers still want to be my friend? Or will they leave me? All these questions are running though my head and i just don't know what to do! 

After thinking so much i have reached my house. I live with my Aunt, she is basically they only family i have left. 

"Aunt Shero" i yelled

"In the kitchen" she yelled back, i walked in the kitchen seeing aunt Shero chopping up carrots. I walked up to her and smiled big. She looked at me with a curious face.

"You seem happy, had a good day?" She turned her gaze back to the carrots. All i did was smile even bigger.

"yep, you know why?" i wanted her to guess. she looked at me again and started to think. She snapped her fingers like she found the answer.

"You got an A on your math test?!" she replayed happily hoping that was the answer.

"No, well yes but that's not why i'm happy." She started thinking again. 

"I give up!" 

"I got asked to go on date!" I cheered, she just started at me with a blank face, i stared to get worried. Then all of a sudden i was being pulled into the living and sitting on the couch. My aunt's face had a big smile. 

"Who asked you out?  Where is he taking you and what time? Is he nice? Is he trying to convince you do you know what?" so many questions

"His name is Leo, he is taking me to the beach on Friday at 8:00, he is very nice, and NO HE IS NIT TRYING TO CONVINCE ME TO DO THAT!!!!!!" Leo wouldn't do that.

"Wait Leo as in Leonardo?!" i gulped and nodded. Her face turned into a smile that reached from ear to ear. 

"I knew it!" Wait what now? How did she know? 

"Wait what?" My eye brow raised up

"I've seen you fight the turtles." My face went blank. She told me that she has been watching me and how she also knows that Leo and his brothers are turtles not humans. I've never new this, at least i can talk to her about them.

TIME SKIP Friday at 7:30 LEO'S POV~

I am freaking out, What if she won't like the date? Why can't i find an outfit for a beach date?! Donnie stood in my door way watching me freak out. Suddenly i felt a hand on my shoulder, it was Donnie.

"Come with me Leo i have an outfit for you." Again saved by Donnie. I walked with Donnie to his room. Once inside Donnie held up a white thin polo shirt with a pocket on the left side with aqua green shorts. Also Donnie let me borrow his brown vans to to go with the outfit. I hugged Donnie because i am terrible at dates, even though this is my first date.

I put on the outfit, combed my hair, brushed my teeth, and grabbed the rose i bought yesterday for Karai. I walked out of my room and towards the living room where my brothers were. 

"How do i look?" i asked them, they all looked at me.

Donnie was the first to reply, "You look great"

"Yeah dude, i bet Karai will think so too." Mikey said with a grin 

"You look ok, just fix your face." My hotheaded brother said

"Haha very funny Raph!" i said sarcastically

I started walking towards the exit of the lair when...,

"Leo wait i have surprise for you!" Donnie said with a grin, i followed Donnie to the train tracks and what i saw blew my mind! Its was a green and black car! 

My eyes had sparkles! 

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My eyes had sparkles! 

"No way!" I stood there With wide eyes.

Donnie just chuckled, "Yes way!" Then he threw me the key to the car. I caught it and stared at it.

"Wait your letting me drive this car?!" My jaw dropped

"Yep, but if you make one scratch one this car i will TIE YOU UP THROW YOU INTO THE OCEAN!!!!!!!!" Donnie warned. which made me shiver because if u mess up his inventions he go insane and really throw into the ocean. All i did was nod to his warning. Right as i was about to get into the car i remembered something.

"Donnie i don't have a license and humans have a license to drive." i informed. He gave me a card that had my face in the right hand corner with information on the left side.

Name: Leonardo Hamato

Age: 16

(That's all i know about licenses because i don't have one yet)

"Thanks D" i said happily

"No problem, and don't forget to give Karai a lot of attention, make sure you give her the rose, and don't be nervous." he informed, i nodded

As i drove up her drive way i walked up to her door. I waited for about 2 minutes. when she opened the door my eyes widen and my jaw dropped. 

So what did you think, sorry i'm terrible at writing about dates. I hope you liked this chapter i will update soon. Plz comment on what you thought.

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