The High School Life

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Hey guys Luna here this is chapter 3 and i'm trying to make this interesting as possible.

They turtle humans looked at they're schedule and April and Cassy looked at the schedules too. April and Cassy has English class (which is first period) together with the turtle humans along with Physical Education (which is fourth period) , April has 4 class with Donnie. Since April and Cassy has first period with them they showed them where the class room was at. They walked in the room and April and Cassy took their seats while the brothers stood in the front of the classroom.

The teacher stood up from his desk and walked over to the four brothers. "Hello, you must be the new students?" he said calmly, the turtle humans all nodded. "Well i'm Mr.pepper, it's nice to meet you." they all smiled "Will you please introduce yourselves to the class." he said in a soft voice, they nodded. Mr.pepper turned to the class which they were chatting away. "ALRIGHT SHUT YOUR TRAPS!" Mr.pepper yell and the class went silence. He turned to the brothers and nodded at them

Leo was the first to speak, "Hi i'm Leonardo, but you can call me Leo." Leo said calmly, Raph was the second one to speak.

"I'm Raphael, you can call me Raph if you want i don't care!" he grunted, he hated to be the person all eyes were on. Donnie and Leo glared at him, Donnie was next.

"Hello my name is Donnie, short for Donatello, it's nice to meet you." he said happily, Mikey smiled and began to speck.

"Hey, my name is Michelangelo, Mikey for short and i'm the fun one out of my bothers!" he smiled big, and his brothers smiled at him. Mr.pepper walked up and asked, "So your bothers?" Leo nodded "Who is the oldest and the youngest?" Leo spoke "I'm the oldest," then he pointed at Mikey "he is the youngest." Mr.pepper nodded then asked another question "When is all of your birthdays?" they all had to remember what master splinter told them.


"My sons," splinter began to speck "your teachers are going to ask you when is your birthday is," the turtle humans looked confused "so this what you are going to tell him," he turned to Leo "Leonardo your birthday is June 24th." Leo nodded, splinter turned to Raph "Raphael your birthday is August 15th." Raph nodded, splinter looked at Donnie "Donatello your birthday is September 12th." he nodded, splinter looked at Mikey "Last but not least Michelangelo, your birthday is October 22nd." he smiled.


They told Mr.pepper their birthdays and said, "Alright then please find a seat and take out a notebook for notes." they nodded, Raph sat behind Cassy and Mikey sat next to Raph while Donnie sat in front of April, no surprised there. Leo looked around the room and they only seat that was not taken was next to a girl sitting next to a window. Her hair was short and it was dyed blond in the back. She wore a black spaghetti strap, a grey crop top, black skinny jeans, and black and grey Jordins. she had 2 ear piercings on each ear and wore a black chain skull necklace with rubber wrist bands.

Leo felt his stomach twist, "She beautiful!" he thought, he sat down and took his notebook out. she was quiet and calm, then Mr.pepper said to take out a sheet of paper to do an assignment in the workbook and turn it in. Leo took out a sheet of paper and he looked at the girl who was searching in her back for a sheet of paper. "Crud" she mumbled under her breath which he heard, she turned and looked at Leo with her amber eyes. "Can....i....please....have....a....sheet....of paper?" she stuttered

Her voice was soft and gentle, yet nervous. "S...sure" he said nervously and handed her a sheet of paper. "Thanks" she said and took the paper.

The bell finally rung and the turtle humans moved on to they're next class. Leo had Biology with Donnie and April, Raph had Spanish (which he hates) with Mikey and Cassy.

In Biology they were learning about Principles of Ecology and how conservation of wildlife requires an understanding of ecology, the science devoted to study of the interactions among organisms and their environment. Donnie was really paying attention to Ms.Sugar and Leo was kind of paying attention because all he could really think of was that girl he sits next to in English.

Raph, Mikey, and Cassy walked in Spanish and Ms.Adora was waiting patiently for the students to come in and take they're seats. Raph sat in the middle of Cassy and Mikey while they sat in the back of the class. Ms.adora started saying "¿Cómo se llama usted?" (which means What is your name?) to raph and mikey. Cassy told them what that meant so they told her they're names. The teacher told them to take out their Spanish notebook and to copy what's on the board. (which was basically Spanish words)

Finally lunch has begun, the turtle humans got their lunch and sat down, Donnie sitting next to April, Raph sitting next to Cassy, Leo and Mikey sitting on the other side of the table. Leo looked at an empty table where a girl was sitting at, it's the same girl he sits next to in English. Leo wanted to be friends with her and wanted her to sit with him, his brothers, and friends. So he turned to April,

"Hey April can i ask that girl over there to come and sit with us please?" he asked blushing at the same time "Oooo do you like her?" April smirked, Leo blushed and shook his head. "No i just thought it would be nice for her to make new friends!" he said nervously, April nodded in agreement, so did Cassy and his brothers.

Leo started walking towards the table she was sitting at. Once he had arrived he tapped her shoulder, which made her turn around. "Hi i'm Leo" he smiled, she looked confused but finally spoke "Hi i'm Karai" she continued eating her sandwich then Leo asked, "I was wondering if you would like to sit with us?" he pointed towards April, Cassy and his brothers. "No thanks i'm good." she took another bite out of her sandwich. He frowned "Oh com'on i promise you will like it at our table!" he smiled

she thought about it then said, "Fine i'll sit at your table, BUT you have to answer this question!" she said seriously, he felt worried

"Alright shoot" he said with confidence she finished her sandwich then spoke.

"Why do you want me to sit at your table so bad?" she raised an eyebrow

He was stunned, he didn't want to tell her that he had a crush on her. "Because i don't like seeing you here all alone and plus i'm sure you would be a great friend!" he said nervously

She kept thinking is that was good enough reason. "Ok, i'll sit with you." she smiled at him and he took her hand to guided her to the table. she sat down next to Leo and she made friends with April, cassy, and his brothers.


After 6th period the turtle humans, April, Cassy, and Karai walked out of the school and Leo wanted to ask for Karai's phone number but didn't know how to ask. He went up to her, "Ugh...Karai..can..i have...your phone....number please?" he stuttered, she looked at him and raised an eyebrow, but she pulled out a pen out her pocket grabbed his hand, which he started to blush, and wrote her phone number on his wrist. Leo was so happy that he was gonna faint.

They dropped off Cassy and Karai so the turtle humans and April went to the lair. April told them that they can't be carrying around a turtle shaped phone. So Donnie asked if he could scan her phone to have a copy of her phone, she said "yes". Soon enough Donnie and his brothers had IPhone 6's. Then Leo put Karai's phone number in his contacts.

Well tell me what you thought of this chapter. Plz comment on the story and i will update soon. The next chapter will be called "Splash Bash!" I hope you liked this chapter and i hope you'll like the next chapter!

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