Independence Day

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This chapter is a special so it has really nothing to do with the plot of the story. Hope you enjoy, also i'm sorry i've been late with updates. Hope this makes it up, please tell me what you think and what would you want to add in the story.


Hearing my alarm go off on the fourth of July was a pain in the ass. I yawned as I stretched, Master Splinter is making all of us wake up early to set up for Independence Day....ugh. I mean I know this day is for the army that fought in the war or some shit, but We're Turtles! Do we really have to celebrate this? We saved the city before too!

I get up to try to find a shirt, I usually sleep shirtless in my human form because its more comfortable to sleep. Brushing my dirty blond hair wasn't really difficult when there are not many nots. I walk out of my room to be greeted by Mikey's human smiling face.

"GOOD MORNING RAPH!" He chirped making me groan.

"Why are you yelling?" I was frustrated enough with waking up at 9.

"Well I was just about to wake you up for breakfast. Since its the fourth of July and the colors are red, white, and blue, so I made blueberry pancakes, white scrambled eggs without the yoke of course, because yellow isn't one the colors. And red bacon." His smiled increased as I listened, he really did that.

"Mikey, bacon is brown not red." I explained, then he smirked making me raise an eyebrow.

"I put food coloring on the bacon." He did not, why does he sound proud?

"That's bad for us you idiot." I crossed my arms, but his frown didn't fade, what's wrong with him.

"Why are you still smiling?" I grumped out.

"Because Donnie, said I can use food coloring. So TAKE that!" He pointed in my face, which I just slapped down. He jerked his hand away and started rubbing it.

"Anyways, your food is on the table. Hurry before it gets too cold." He smiled and ran away, ugh I hate this. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth, even though i'm about to eat. After doing my routine I went to the kitchen. Only Donnie was still eating, but he looked like he was on his phone. Mikey and Leo are in the living room playing some goofy looking game. I grabbed my plate and sat in front of Donnie.

"Morning." He said with drowsy in his voice, he's still looking at his phone.

"What're you doing?" I was bored and curious, I left my phone on the charger in my room and i'm too lazy to get up.

"I'm looking up what the legal fireworks are." he replied without looking up, his reply made me scoff.

"Why?" I'm really trying to hold it in.

"Because if we set off illegal fireworks we could go to jail." Is he for real.

"Donnie I think we'll be fine." I at least tried to reassure him because if we are going to set off fireworks, then we need the good shit.

"You sure?" He looked at me, I smiled.

"Yeah, i'm sure." I finished the pancake.

"Alright then i'll text April it doesn't matter." He quickly sent a text to her.

"Where is she?" I asked with my mouth full.

"Don't talk with your mouth full dummy. And she's going to different places to get fireworks with Casey, Karai, and Shini" he responded

"And where are we doing this." He shrugged, damn. What a pain.


This is the first time for the turtles to celebrate fourth of July as humans. Casey, Karai, her cousin Shini, and I are currently buying big fireworks from a van.... Casey brought us to this guy that has big (illegal) fireworks, i got Donnie's text saying its fine. Karai and Shini were looking at the grenade shaped fireworks. Casey is talking to the guy, while i'm trying to think of a place to set off these fireworks. My dad is out of town, because he's terrified of fireworks, he went to the farm house.

"You look deep in thought." Karai touched my shoulder to get my attention. She's always been a good friend. Shini stood next to her, smiling at me.

"Yeah, I just don't know where we can set off these fireworks." Then Shini's face lit up like a bulb.

"Ooo, I know! How about at Troy's?" If I remember Troy and Leo got into a fist fight or something like that. Karai just shrugged.

"Maybe, if he want's company." She considered

"Sure." I just replied, not want to think anymore. Casey comes back with a box full of crap (fireworks)

"Why so many?" Shini asked. He smirked

"Because its going to be lit! Also because they weren't that much." He laughed, I rolled my eyes in humor.

"Well we got all the fireworks we need right?" Karai asked looking at me.

"Guess so, call Troy and ask." I suggested, Karai pulled out her phone and dialed.

"Who's Troy?" Casey asked

"Remember he hit on Karai, got into a huge fight with Leo." I reminded him.

"Ohh yea, they cool?"

"Yeah, been that way for a while." It really has been a while. Karai comes walking back.

"Okay we good." She just made my dad.

"Awesome." We got into the car and Drove over there.


"I just got a text from April saying the fireworks are going to be held at Troy's place." I told everyone.

"Is that really a good idea?" Raph questioned

"It's fine." Leo reassured him, Leo and Trey have been on good terms.

"So we need to get ready and head out." I informed.


Leo stood infront of his dressier deciding what to wear. He groans and calls up Karai.

"Hi babe, .... yeah....umm....what do I wear?" After a 5 minute long conversation, he grabbed a royal blue polo shirt and black jeans with red and white Nike's. He brushed his silk black hair grabbed his phone and headed out.

Mikey couldn't stop smiling for some reason, he pulled over a thin white shirt, blue shorts, with red Convers. He had trouble combing his curly orange hair. He opened his door and yelled,

"Leo I need help with my hair!"


"I'M NOT TALKING TO YOU!" He yelled back. Leo grabbed Mikey and closed his door, his brother's yelling will make him deaf. He gently combed through the nots. Once he was ready they both walked out and waited.

Raph didn't know what to wear either, he had a red shirt and a black shirt lad out on his bed.

"Hmmm which one?" He said to himself, he decided to go with red, blue jeans, and white Jordan's. After brushing his hair he waited with his brothers.

Donnie was thinking too much about this. But he got collective and picked out an outfit, a red,white, and blue stripped polo shirt with white pants, and black vans. He brushed his smooth brown hair and walked out.

All four brothers were waiting for Splinter.

"I'm coming." He said as he rushed to them.


He got dark pretty quickly, Casey and Raph started setting up the fireworks. Leo and Karai sat together on the roof, April and Donnie sat together on the bench, and Mikey and Shini sat together on the grass. Splinter sat on the bench swing, and Troy sat on porch. As the fireworks went off into blazing colors everyone was in awe. Leo and Karai started making out, April ended up in Donnie's lab for some reason, and Mikey got a kiss from Shini. And of course Troy couldn't stop himself from taking loads of pictures.

Hope you guys enjoyed, thank you for your support and comments, I do read them. Have a wonderful summer break.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2018 ⏰

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