New Story (Forbidden Love)

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Hey guys I wanna make another story, a yaoi story. Yaoi Is boy love. what do you think?

Blake Stanfers, he's known to be ruthless, cold-hearted (Not to the ones he cares about), and of course an attractive vampire, on the outside he Is 26 but in the inside he Is 236. He Is one of the best vampires, he has a little brother (who he really cares for). Blake has a dark past, including his parents being killed by other  vampires. His dad fell in love with a human, which led them to be killed, the first child had the full gene of a vampire. While the second child they had took both genes of the vampire and human. Meaning Blake's brother, Jason Stanfers, Is half vampire half human (half-blood), a lot of other vampires make fun of Jason because of this, but Blake is there to support him. One day while Blake was hunting for a loner human In an alleyway, he found a kid being bullied. He didn't eat the kid after he saved him... why? Just something about this human made him want to protect him with his life. Blake falls In love with the pop star, Luke coy, and when their relationship starts to become known, vampires are after Luke to end their love. Their love is 'Forbidden Love'.

Luke coy, a 23 year old pop star, he's kind, caring, attractive, and loves his little sister to death. Every girl want's to be with him or just want a-one-night-stand, of course Luke always declines them. His mother died after giving birth to his sister yuno, their father Is abusive towards them mostly Luke because he protects yuno. Luke Is gay, but he would never tell his father that. One day he walks to the store to grab milk, he took a shortcut In an alleyway, but got stopped by a group of guys. Blake saved him from the bullies, then Luke started getting close to Blake. He didn't know falling In love with Blake, a vampire, would put him In danger, but In his mind he doesn't give two sh*ts. He loves him and thats that. How will it end for these two?

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