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Hey guys i know i haven't updated in a long time, It's because I moved and I didn't have wifi for a very long time. Anyways my friend pointed out that It is hard to picture the turtles as humans. So what I've done is I looked up anime characters to match what the characters look like. 

 Leonardo Hamato (aka Leo) 

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 Leonardo Hamato (aka Leo) 

Age: 16

Height: 5'6

Weight: 115 lbs

Hair color: Silky Black

Eye color: Midnight blue

Physical appearance: Muscular, pale skin (the lightest brother).

Michelangelo Hamato (aka Mikey)

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Michelangelo Hamato (aka Mikey)

Age: 16

Height: 5'2

Weight: 125 lbs 

Hair color: Curly Light Orange (I know it doesn't look like It In the picture because I couldn't find one with orange curly hair. sorry.)

Eye color: Baby Blue 

Physical appearance: Slightly muscular, tan skin (the darkest brother).

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