Troy Is Bad??

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Hey guys my friend gave me some ideas for this chapter. Also he wanted me show this video he made, so I hope you like the video and the chapter. 

Troy's POV~

I'm sitting on the bed while the school nurse takes care of my wounds. Damn I failed, the Shredder will not be happy about this. I feel bad for trying to steal Karai from Leo, but I have to do what he says. After all the Shredder did kill my family. The nurse finished wrapping my arm, torso and left, what am I supposed to do now? I can't go back to the Shredder, If I do I surly will be killed.

I kinda want to apologize to Leo and Karai, but what would they do? Probably hate me or won't accept it. AHH what am I gonna do?! I have to push all my thoughts away and just do It! I carfully stand and started walking towards the door. I see nurse whatever her name is leave the room Leo was In. I walk In and I see Leo has a wrapping around his leg and neck, ouch I feel bad now.

Great Leo and Karai were both glaring at me, I couldn't blame them. Just say it Troy...... *sighs* 

"I'm sorry." I said softly, Leo and Karai's eyes widen. I hope this goes well.

Leo's POV~

"I'm sorry." Troy said softly, my eyes widen. Did I hear that right?! No way this guy just apologize to me and Karai! 

"Wait what?!" I said stockily, Karai didn't even say anything. Troy held his head In shame, was this the same Troy? I want to think that he's just faking It, but somethings telling me he's not. Why?

"Why are you apologizing?" Karai asked sternly. Troy looked up and he had........tears. Tears? TEARS!!!! 

"I'm so sorry, I didn't want to, but I...." More tears shed from his eyes as he spoke, he's not faking.      I looked back at Karai she had the look of worry. I turn back and Troy just gripped the door way, he looked like he was In pain... I felt bad. But why? I grabbed the chair from the back of the room.

"Sit." I said plainly, Troy looked at me as If he was homeless guy and I just gave him food. He sat down and started talking.

"I was 14 years old, and I was living with my mom, dad, and little sister. I was so happy, I was always smiling especially when I made my sister happy." Troy was smiling. smiling?! It's kinda hard to believe Troy would smile. He looked up at me.

"But when I came back from the store I seen my whole family lying dead In their own pool of blood on the floor." Tears started rolling down his face again. 

"The Shredder killed them.... he told me that If I didn't go with him and do what he says, then he would kill me." His voice dropped, he shouldn't have lost his family. 

"At that moment I could've care less If I died, but I wanted him to pay!" Anger appeared on his face. 

"I knew If I just did what he said for a certain period of time, I could kill him. I wanted him to feel the same pain I encounter." Wow.... I know how he feels.

"I know how you feel." Karai said softly. She stood up and walked over to Troy. 

"The Shredder killed my mother." She had tears In her eyes, then she did the unexpected.... she hugged him. He cried more as he hugged back, I smiled at them. He wasn't being bad because he wanted to, he did It because he was forced to. I stood up and hugged them both, I didn't know why, but I just felt like I needed to. After like a minute we seperated. 

"Your not alone Troy." Karai said with a smile. He looked at me waiting for my answer. I smiled at him. He wiped his tears away, and replaced his frown with a smile. 

"What are you gonna do now?" I asked

"I don't know, I can't go back. I have no family." He said sadly 

"No problem! My Aunt has a cabin 30 minutes away from here. There's everything you need there, we don't live there, but she wouldn't mind you living there." I was shocked, I didn't even know this. 

"Are you serious?!" Troy asked, Karai just nodded. 

"Thank you!" He bowed. We left the nurse's room.

NO one's POV~

Leo, Karai, and Troy walked In the principle's office, due to Troy starting the fight the principle asked Karai If she wanted to press charges. Of course she denied and they were all excused. Troy decided to go to the cabin, with that said Leo and Karai walked around talking. 


 We we're all in gym class except for casey, he has art. We we're sitting on the bleachers and Donnie was just explaining that we should be In at least one club or sport for..... for..... ah I forgot. Anyways It doesn't matter what the reason was, I'm gonna tryout for the soccer team. I'm really good at soccer! Donnie said he Is gonna be doing the newspaper with April, no surprise there. I think It suits him.

Raph said he's gonna tryout for the basketball team, which surprised me because I thought he was gonna be in wrestling. Either way both things seems like Raph. For Leo I think he's gonna tryout for volleyball, same with Karai. Leo always practiced volleyball In the lair, and Karai will just be there for Leo. Casey Is easy, he's gonna be on the hockey team. Wait.. do we even have a hockey team? If we don't then Casey Is gonna be sad, That would kinda funny though. 

I wonder where Leo and Karai are, well knowing them they are off somewhere making out. 

I heard one of the gym doors open, and the most beautiful human being walked through the door. My heart started beating faster, I swear time just stopped. She has purple hair, bright purple eyes, she Is wearing black skinny jeans with cuts, tight black shirt, black boots, peachy skin, and has a killer smile. Am I In love? Is this love? What is happening?! 

NO ONE'S POV~ Back to Leo and Karai

Leo and Karai walked through the garden, until Karai stopped. Leo turned around confused.

"What's wrong?" Leo asked, All she did was smile.

"I forgot to mention, my cousin Is transferring into this school." She said.

"What's her name?" 

"Shini, Shini Gami." 

I hope you guys like this chapter. Is Mikey In love? Who Is this girl. Will the others forgive Troy, or will they hate? Please tell me what you thought, and please give me ideas on what you would want to be in the next chapter.

 Will the others forgive Troy, or will they hate? Please tell me what you thought, and please give me ideas on what you would want to be in the next chapter

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Shini Gami

Age: 15

Height: 5'1

Weight: 112 lbs

Hair color: Purple

Eye color: Bright Purple

Physical appearance: Skinny, peachy skin, Small breasts, small butt

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