Chapter 11 - The Truth behind the Occult Club

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Yandere woke up to machines beeping and the sun shining. That dream was so graphic, so real, Yandere didn't know reality anymore. Yandere sat up and looked around. She seen that her parents were standing outside. Yandere didn't want to, but she pulled out her phone to see if Info-chan texted her any knew texts. Nothing was found by Info-chan. Yandere let out a breath of relief as she gotten dressed.

Yandere grabbed her bag and walked out the hospital room and saw her mom and dad. "Oh Darling, your alright" Ryoba said hugging her. Yandere smiled and hugged her back. Yandere forgot that it was a dream, and she never really forgave her mom. Yandere decided to wait, she had business to take care of. "Im glad your alright Ayano-san" The doctor said. Yandere bowed "Thank you for taking good care of me while my parents where away" Yandere said with a smile. "We thank you as well" Yandere's Dad said with a bow. We walked away from the Doctor and drove our way home. Yandere stared out the car window as every cloud seemed to be going by slower and slower. "Ayano, I want to understand" That kept ringing in her head. Budo, is all she could think about.  If Budo even tried to understand Yandere. He wouldn't like her, and Yandere knows he wouldn't. Yandere gripped the seat belt and let her tears drop on her School girl blue skirt. 

Ryoba saw her daughter crying in the back seat, but didn't address it. Ryoba-chan knew her daughter was hurting inside, and wanted to help. She feels terrible about how she raised her daughter. "Alright your at school" Ryoba said. Yandere looked out the window seeing the bright white school and the kids going inside. Yandere gotten out the car and looked back at her mom. Her mom nodded. Yandere nodded back and walked off as they drove off. Yandere took one step and was shaking in fear. It was Friday, what was she suppose to do. Yandere continued to walk and Saw Shin Hikagu, Oka Ruto's trusted adviser. "Oh hey Yandere, haven't seen you in awhile" Oka said waving at Yandere. Yandere stopped and snapped out of it. She smiled to Oka, "Oh hey Oka-chan, whos that?" Yandere pointed to the guy, "Shin Hikagu, I'm Oka Ruto's trusted adviser, annnddd Boyfriend" he wrapped his arm around Oka and smiled. Yandere's smile dropped "w-wait i thought you liked.... Taro" Yandere said. Oka titled her head "no of course not..I have always loved Shin" Oka said smiling at her. Yandere took her phone out and looked at all the information Info-chan sent her.

Wait a minute something was really off. "Where did you obtain that information from Yandere?" Oka said. Yandere blinked and looked at Oka, "Please.. call me Ayano" Yandere said smiling to her as she put her phone away. Oka smiled "Ayano-chan, alright... thats pretty, i like it" Oka said walking off with Shin. Ayano looked at them walk away and smiled. Yandere turned around and ran into the school and straight into the martial arts dojo. "Oh Ayano hey--!" Budo was talked By Yandere. All the Martial Arts people stared and giggled abit. Yandere looked up at Budo and instantly kissed him. She opened her eyes and realized what she did. "oop!" she sat up and covered her mouth blushing "I...i.i.i.i I'm so sorrry, I didn't mean to barge i was just , coming to see you and" Yandere was cut off by Budo as he grabbed her cheek and kissed her again as well. Yandere instantly shut her mouth as they pulled away. Budo smiled and helped her up. "Budo..." Yandere had gotten a bit teary eyed. "Ayano. lets talk outside" he said with a smile as they held hands and walked out the Dojo.

Budo turned around and looked at her. "Please.... I'm going to ask... and I need you to tell me the truth" Budo says. Yandere's heart thumps hard, and the palm of her hands started to sweat. "B...Budo what're you talking about?" Budo asks and nervousness. She sees in Budo's expression that he wasn't playing around. Yandere's smile faded. "We don't have to walk here, we can go by the cherry blossom tree if you want" Budo said turning around and started to walk away. Yandere felt as if Budo found out what she was behind. Yandere gulped and followed him to the cherry blossom tree.

As got there, it was a moment of Silence and a lot of staring. Yandere looked up at Budo and started to choke up. "I....I" she gasped trying to hold back her tears. "Ayano, I need to know... did you murder......The Basu sisters". Budo asked with a firm face. Yandere stood there, it felt like she was about to pee on herself. Yandere looked from side to side. Yandere can't lie to Budo. For some reason she couldn't , it just couldn't happen, Yandere let it all out implying that she did. "Y....yes" Yandere said as she covering her mouth letting out a breath and broke down crying. Budo looked sick, and pale. Budo lost his balance for a minute and then stared at Yandere. Yandere looked at him holding her stomach and backed away. "I told you, I told you ! If I told you what I did, for my senpai, you'd hate me. Look at you now, you look like you've seen a ghost" she short breathed her sentence and let out a loud sob and fell to her knees.

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