Chapter 17 - Taro's Confession

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 " I've been watching for the signs
Took a trip to clear my mind
Now I'm even more lost " 

Yandere woke up the next morning. After the incident that happened yesterday. Info-chan was arrested after Budo called the police and they investigated. Seems like Yandere is Innocent past the fact Info-chan was behind it all. Now Yandere was worried about her own safety. Info-chan was the daughter of that Journalist.

Yandere went downstairs and had a regular Sunday breakfast, cereal and watching morning cartoons. She sat there like a giddy little kid as her father was at the table doing his work. Yandere-chan received a text, a text from a person she would've never thought that would text her. 

Yandere choked on her cereal and spit it out into her bowl. Her father titled his head "Are you alright?" he asked. Yandere nodded and placed the bowl on the living room table and ran upstairs to her room. She opened the message and it was from him. Senpai. Don't ask her how she gotten his number. 

Taro: Hey! I wanna talk to you, mind if we walk around The Takasu Park? If yes, meet me at the entrance.

Yandere was shaking and covered her mouth, this was basically a date. Yandere didn't waist any time as she gotten dressed and fixed her hair, even put on some make-up. Yandere stopped in her tracks and looked at the picture on her dresser next to her bed. It was a picture of Budo and her of when they went to the Ibukara Carnival. Yandere smiled and went toward it picking it up. She remembered that day, and she would never forget it. It was her very first kiss, and the day she felt special. 

Yandere placed the picture it back down. She breathed in and then out as she picked up her phone and her strapped purse as she walked out and was on her way to The Takasu Park. She arrived after a 20 minute walk. She saw the entrance and then saw Taro. She smiled and for some reason, she didn't freeze up anymore like she use too. She walked up to Taro and smiled widely. He smiled as well "I seen you accepted my invite, thank you" he said as he bowed. Yandere couldn't really speak to him just yet, because she was so shocked. Senpai is finally noticing her. Yandere smiled "Well, of course, It would be rude to decline, i mean it's just a walk in the park" she smiled.  Taro showed a smile was well and guided her into the park.

As they walked around the park they passed many pretty statues and people walking their dogs. They had Ice cream and threw the hours they were together, Yandere started to become herself. As the sun set, they continued walking down the hill and toward the parks lake. "This was an awesome day, did you see the little dog when I fed it the treat?" Taro said. Yandere nodded as she giggled.  "Dog's seem to like you, that's a good thing" Yandere said. Taro smiled at her and sat down on the bench that was by the lake. Taro took her hand and sat her down next to him as the both gazed out to the sunset. Yandere sighed out and held herself, she started to tense up. "So, Ayano... do you wanna know the real reason I invited you here" Taro asked as he rubbed the back of his head. Yandere shook her head " no.. no I don't" Yandere said looking at him as her eyes glistened in the sunset's light. Taro was tongue tied as he glanced at her. Yandere looked from side to side "Is, there something wrong?" she asked with a worried chuckle. "No, no I just.. ahem.." he said as he blushed and looked away. 

"The reason i invited you here because. I feel like after yesterday, i really miss judged you for the person you aren't. You have a beautiful personality, your actually really normal, I've just been fed in the ear by Osana-chan, she tells me all these things about you I try not to believe, when I didn't even get a chance to get to know you. Your actually, really fun to be around.... ehhe... and lets just say a lot more sweet then Osana-chan is" he explained with a laugh. Yandere slowly started to blush around her cheeks. "T-taro..." she said. He continued to explain "I know I know, it would probably be way too late to try and accept me, To be honest I was just scared because of the rumors about you. I really do have a sweet heart, and sometimes when you walk by me in school, I get nervous, so I ignore you... But now, I wanna take all that back, you are a beautiful girl" he said as he turned to her and grabbed her hands. Yandere sat up straight as the wind blew her black hair in her face and she blushed. She didn't know what to say actually, she was so tongue tied as well.

This was it, Finally Senpai noticed her. "Is there anything you wanna say?" he asked as he gentle rubbed her hands. Yandere blinked out of staring out into space. She looked at him then the reflection of Budo appeared. She blinked and rubbed her eyes. "I... uhh" she said "wait, is there something in your eye?" he asked making sure she was okay. Yandere shook her head "no. no it's just heh... You wouldn't understand" Yandere said. Taro tilted his head and smiled. " You can tell me you know" he said. Yandere almost began to cry, he sounds so much like Budo. "After all this time, you finally decide to tell me , how you felt about me... do you know how long I wanted to tell you how I felt, Because of you I gained the emotion to actually feel love.... and actually want it." she said as she looked at him with watery eyes. "But, there is someone who... loves me, and will do anything for me. He compliments me everyday, he was never afraid of me, because deep down her knew... I was a good person" Yandere looked up at the sunset and the sunlight glared showing her tears. "Ayano" he mumbled. 

"I have never... ever had friends growing up, I think it's because I don't show my emotions to many people, but when i saw you I was interested, I wanted to be around you, watch you and keep up with you. I never could because  I didn't know how to approach you... I was so scared... It hurt when I was called the crazy girl, all because I wanted to have friends... or even more. Ever since then I became angrier and angrier because they kept teasing me, and ranting on me! And I was sooo over the disrespect! I just wanted.... revenge.. especially from Osana-chan... She made me look so weird and crazy!" Yandere started to fume up "But then..... a guy came to my side as my close friend, the only person who wasn't afraid of me...the only person who took the time to ask my name and took the time to try and understand me...." she huffed out "Budo..... is everything to me right now and I can't deny I'm in love anymore" she looked at Taro and he looked right back at her. "Budo is lucky... he is, I just wish I would've asked you sooner, thank you for at least letting me tell you my feelings.." he said as he helped Yandere up. He smiled and sighed out as he reached and kissed her hand. "Thank you" he said as he put his hands in his pockets and walked away. Yandere smiled "Hey..." Yandere called out. He stopped and looked behind him "Thank you... Senpai" she went and hugged him, as she let go she ran toward the exit of the park. He smiled and chuckled a little. 

Yandere walked around and thought about life. As she was walking she saw Budo, he was walking out of the small corner clinic. She smiled and walked toward him as he shook the hand of the nurse. "Thank you; Oh! Ayano-chan!" Budo said as he hugged her. "Everything alright, your smiling more than usual, I don't know if that's a good thing" he joked Yandere laughed. "Well, it's nothing, i'm just glad to see your okay" she replied. He smiled "Wanna go out for dinner?" he asked. Yandere nodded and smiled looking down. "Alright, come on.. it's on me" Budo said. 

She looked up seeing him walk off, sorta kinda "B...budo?" Yandere stopped him. He turned around and looked at her "Yes ?" Yandere smiles "I wanna ... hold your hand" she said reaching out for his hand. Budo smiled and pulled her into a hug and hugged her tightly. Yandere did so as well. This was the tightest embrace, more or so like the one from last night. "Of course" he said and softly grabbed her hand, locking his fingers onto hers. she smiled and laid her head on his shoulder as they walked off down the road. 

"I got everything I'm asking for, even you...."

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