Chapter 6- Home Sweet Home

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Yandere went threw her last few classes, and today was club day, where all the clubs did their club activities. Yandere didn't want to go, but if she was going to shake Budo, she would have to give him a better explanation than "Leave me alone"  Yandere knew Budo wouldn't leave her alone. But she had to do something. At the very end of the last class of the day, she had went into the Dojo, she saw all of her Martial Art friends as they waved to her. Budo stood up looking at her, in shock "Ayano, what're you doing here?" Budo asked walking up to her. Yandere looked at him deep in the eyes "This will be the last time, i'm stepping foot in this dojo" Yandere said to him, with teary eyes. Budo's heart dropped,  "b-but why? You were doing so well" Budo said to her , as his voice cracked. Yandere looked away "Budo, this can't go on, we can't be anything more but friends, I love my senpai, I don't...... love you" Yandere hesitaded to say, she is lying to herself. She knows her feelings for Budo, but didn't want to except it. "You don't mean that, you can't mean that Ayano" Budo said looking at her. Yandere looked at him with a sharp eye

"I told you to never call me that again!" Yandere blurted, the whole Martial Art's club stopped what they were doing and looked at them. Budo looked at them, and heard the silence "did I say stop?" Budo implied. They hurried and gotten back to what ever they where doing. Budo looked at Yandere again with a soft look " See, thats how i know your lying to me, you never backed it up, I know you love me Ayano" Budo said to her. Yandere shook her head and held it with both of her hands. " I don't! I love senpai!" Yandere yelled back. The Club couldn't help but watch them argue. "What is your Purpose Ayano?!" Budo shot back "My Purpose is Senpai!" Yandere yelled at him again, as her heart dropped "How can you love someone you never even spoke to before! Taro doesn't love you!" Budo yelled out as it echoed the Dojo. Yandere looked at Budo as the tears stopped flooding her eyes. Yandere looked down "he does.... he does love me" Yandere said. 

Budo sighed out softly "If you wish to leave my club I won't stop you, and if you wish for me to calll you Yandere.... then I will proudly. your excused, swine " Budo said harshly walking past her, and getting back to his teachings. Yandere stood there as she heard him instruct his club. Yandere's heart was in shambles, but this was the only way. Now things were back to normal, Budo and Yandere are again, enemies. 

Yandere ran out the Dojo, as Budo sighed out watching her leave. Yandere grabbed her things and ran out the school awkwardly bumping into Oka. Oka fell over into Chojo Tekina, Oka's V.I.P for her club. "Oh my goodness, sorry Yandere" Oka said. Yandere looked at them " its not you its me, i'm sorry" Yandere said as she went past Oka. Yandere realized that Oka was on her hit-list like Kokona and Saki was. Yandere shook her head and walked past them quietly. 

Yandere looked back at the guy, his hair was covering his right eye, you couldn't even try to see his eye. Yandere turned around pulling out her phone and took a photo of the guy, at the right time. She sent it to Info-chan, and again she replied within 5 seconds of sending time. 

Yandere nodded, seeing he wasn't really much of a threat

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Yandere nodded, seeing he wasn't really much of a threat. So she ignored it. As Yandere was walking him, she saw news vans in front of her home, as well as the police blocking a crowd from being nosey. Yandere ran over to her home and wesled in threw the crowd. She saw them, her mother and father, talking to the news anchor. Yandere dropped her books and bags and everyone looked at her, even the reporters. She let the tears fall as she ran over to her mom. Her mom opened her arms and hugged her tightly. "MY baby!" Ryoba yelled out as she tightly hugged her daughter. "Ayano" her father said as he lifted her chin and hugged her with Ryoba-chan. "Well, as a lovely family is reuniting, we shall give them privacy , catch you later on Tokyo's top 10" the reporter said to the camera, as they ended the show and gave yield. "Thank you for the interview, but im just as sleep as my husband, we must get rest" Ryoba said holding her daughters hand. The reporter nodded and sent a signal to clear the way. 

Yandere wondered, why the police where at the door, as well as the news people, was her family famous for something she didn't know? Yandere just grew even more confused then what she was. As her family walked into the house, they let out sighs and plopped on the couch, Yandere looked at them as the groaned from being so sleepy. Yandere turned on the lights and looked at the photo's on the wall of her parents, they looked so happy and young, her favorite photo was of them at the beach, hugging each other, the day after their wedding. 

As she smiled at the photo she looked at them on the couch, sleeping and holding onto each other

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As she smiled at the photo she looked at them on the couch, sleeping and holding onto each other. Yandere felt sad that they didn't give her any attention other than from outside, but they were tired, a trip from Japan to America was not one to take lightly. Yandere kissed them both on the forehead covering them up with a blanket and walking upstairs. As Yandere finished her homework, she was dwelling on her past, she pulled out an old photo album of her as a baby. She found one that stuck out the most to her. It was a picture of her and Ryoba-chan, Yandere's mother. She saw it was when her mother was still young, and probably a senior in high school. 

Yandere touched the photo, and seen she looked just like her mother

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Yandere touched the photo, and seen she looked just like her mother. Yandere wiped her tears and smiled. She laughed her sadness away. She loved her mom and dad that much. It hurt, that they where away for so long, and for what? Why where they in America anyways? They didn't tell Yandere exactly why. Yandere was determined to find out. Yandere tip-toed into their room, it was so clean but yet so cold. She turned on the closet light, and searched, but quietly, she knew her mom was a light sleeper, any sound could wake her up. Yandere came across a box in the light, should couldn't make it out, but it had to be some information. She pulled it out and saw it was 10 tapes. Again with the tapes! Yandere thought to herself. She shrugged her shoulders and dragged the box to her room across the hall. She heard her dad snoring, and move a bit. She stopped and sighed out dragging it and shutting her door. 

Yandere turned on her desk light and turned on her tape recorder and put the very first tape in. She prepared herself for what she was about to hear, since the first one revealed why she was how she was, her mom was a Yandere herself, and her senpai was Yandere's dad. It was silenced for a moment, and then, a male voice spoke, it wasn't her father, as Yandere squinted and pulled out a notebook and a pen. 

~Mysterious Tape 1~

"Looks like it works, as long as it's recording, I guess I might as well say something.  It's been at least almost two decades..... maybe three?  Those where the better times.... I was so young back then, my future seemed so bright. I remember my following dreams,  I remember a promising career, I remember being..... Happy , If i could turn back time... What would have iv'e done differently? I know... I know exactly what i have done. I shouldn't have gotten involved with this case, with that girl. Pursuing her, was the right thing to do, but if i had involved myself with her, i'd still have my career. When did it all begin? I think around 1898, of April, The peak of my career of a investigative journalist That's when I heard about a murder at the local high school. The police had no leads.  I decided to investigate it myself.... I tried to be a Hero, and that was the worst mistake of my life...."

~End of Tape 1~

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