Chapter 9 - You are not an Enemy any more

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Info chan was apart of this Yandere knows she was. Yandere shook her head and ignored it. She was getting a little tired. Tomorrow was Thursday and Yandere couldn't let up anymore, Osana-chan had to be a goner, along with Sakyu. Yandere went to bed, and the next day she packed all her weapons, including her Katana.

Today was the day, Osana-chan sees death. Senpai will be hers. Yandere walked downstairs and seen that her parents where gone , and she seen a note. "Hey Darling, we are working again, please be understanding and there is left over breakfast in the fridge. Love Mom" Yandere balled up the paper and threw it away. Yandere walked out the house and went to school. Yandere went into the girls locker room located outside of the school. Yandere seen Osana, and Sakyu, but she played it cool. Sakyu was taking a phone call 10 minutes before school started. Yandere was up on the roof just above her. Yandere filled up a blue bucket full of water. She tipped over the bucker t and poured the water  all over Sakyu. "Kyuuu!" Sakyu yelled out "what?!, did someone really just throw water on me?!" Sakyu said looking up seeing nobody. Yandere smirked and saw Sakyu run toward the girls locker room. Yandere stood up and walked down stairs.

She lured into the bathroom shutting and locking the doors. Sakyu gotten out of her wet clothes and went to the steamy part of the bath room. "This is such bull" Sakyu said to herself, as her voice echoed across the room. Yandere dragged her knife across the lockers as it made a screeching sound "ghn!, whos there?!" Sakyu said standing up in the bath. Yandere didn't breath a word. She walked up out of the steam and Sakyu seen her "youuu" Sakyu growled at Yandere "I knew you where coming for me, so sad it had to be so soon though" Sakyu said stepping out the bath. "Die, monster.... you don't belong in this school" Yandere said to Sakyu staring her down. Sakyu laughed out loud and it echoed " You really are stupid! do you know who I am!? I am Sakyu Basu!" Sakyu said out loud as a black aura came from around her body. Yandere backed up, but still with empty eyes. "But enough talk!, Have at you!" all of a sudden, she changed into the witch like girl.

Yandere growled and tackled Sakyu to the ground. As they fought, blood leaked from the both of them "I won't loose to you Sakyu!, now die!" Yandere said as she took the knife and stabbed Sakyu in the forehead, and as she did, she became instantly insane and stabbed everywhere as Sakyu screamed out in pain. Yandere's insane laugh matched her scream. "Die!  DIE DIE DIE! DIE DIE DIE DIE DIIIIIIIEEEEEEE!!!!!!!" Yandere said as she stopped stabbing. There was a pool a blood and blood splattered everywhere. Yandere wiped her forehead and walked out the locker room. Yandere's face seemed dark and lifeless, and her body was arched in a way, and she ran really funny. Luckily she didn't see the deliquents and she dumped the knife as well as her bloody shirt and skirt, changing into her gym uniform. She dragged Sakyu's body threw the grass and into the incinerator. She activated it, as the smoke lifted from the pipe. Yandere suddenly looked at her hands and began to laugh out loud, and in a crazy way too. She felt much better and her sanity slowly decreased. She turned around as the incenrator burned Sakyu's body.

Yandere gotten rid of her body, but how was she going to get rid of this blood trail, and the blood pool. Yandere grabbed a bucket, a mop and some soap. She mopped up all the blood and made sure there was no trace left of it. Yandere soon dumped the bloody bucket and cleaned it off. Yandere felt a sense of relief. The Sakyu Scum was gone, and now she had one more person, who was bigger threat than Sakyu. Osana Najimi. She was a threat , a huge threat. Yandere sighed out and became a bit irritable. She wanted to get rid of Osana for good, Friday was tomorrow and Yandere had no time to waste. The bell rang for lunch. Yandere decided to stalk Osana, hard. She now knows Osana's every move. Yandere kinda dragged it off as she waited and waited, no matter what Osana would not leave Senpai's side. Like they were dating or something. Did Info-chan give Yandere false information?

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