Chapter 26 - This is It

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At that moment, nothing else in the world mattered to me. I love Budo, and that's all that matters to me.

Soon after it hit noon, It was silence. Budo was asleep  next to Ayano. Ayano was up right and alert, she didn't want to let her guard down, not for anyone at least. Ayano was a bit thirsty, so she paged the nurse to have her bring her something to drink. Ayano wasn't thinking at the time, anyone could be a nurse. At that moment it was 10 minutes and the nurse still wasn't here in the room. Ayano decided to get up and go out into the hall. It was dead silence, and it gave Ayano that eerie feeling of despair. She decided to walk down the halls, and every room was either locked, or empty. Ayano had a bad feeling, so she turned around and went back into her room and shut the door.

She looked over at Budo and he was knocked out cold. Ayano took it upon herself to get dressed and go down stairs. She knew she was in pain, but she didn't care. She took the elevator down and seen that the hospitals' waiting room was a wreck. She gasped seeing police officers and medical assistance parties surddouning the area. Ayano ran back to the elevator and went inside of it. Someone attacked the hospital. Ayano was in panic, she wasn't near Budo, this was bad really bad! As soon as the elevator doors opened she ran through the hall and too her room, she she got there, she saw two big men tying up Budo. Ayano stopped "No!" she screamed as she tried to tackle one of them but they held a gun out toward Ayano and began to shoot. Budo screamed from under the blanket they had him covered in. Ayano dogged the bullet all so easily.

She then looked back at the bullet holes in the wall and then back at them. Before she knew it they were out the window. She got up and looked down at them as they took Budo away. This was another one of Info-chan's plans just to lure Ayano in. She stepped back in the room and looked at the window wide open. She closed her eyes and listened for the car to start up. As she did, she opened her eyes and ran toward the window, jumping out of it and landing on the hood of the car feet first. They began to drive off but Ayano had a grip on the car. The driver tried to swerve from left to right to get her grip off, but Ayano held on for dear life. She pulled her way toward the front window and punched the glass in. The man who was driving grabbed his hand gun and pointed toward her. Ayano dogged the bullet again! and she punched the man in the face as he was driving. The other man let go of Budo to grab the wheel to stir control. Ayano flipped inside the car and punched the driver two more times in his face, knocking him out cold. She then elbowed the man and shoved the gun in his neck and pulled the trigger.

Ayano grabbed the wheel and sat on the unconscious drivers lap. She held the gun in her hand as blood dripped onto her shirt and face. Yandere was back, and ready to fight... This ends here.

Ayano looked at the GPS and seen that the location wasn't that far. She picked up the pace and drove a little faster. She didn't do anything about Budo, as he was squirming to get out. He ened up ripping the sheets off of him and seeing that Ayano had shot and killed one man and brutly beat the other one. Budo started to hyperventilate and look at Ayano. "Oh my god, Ayano please tell me you didn't do this?..." Budo asked. Ayano didn't answer, she was too focused on the road.

Budo held his face as he looked at the man who was shot, his chin started to fall apart and blood dripped everywhere. Ayano looked in the rearview mirror and sighed at Budo's reaction. At the end of the day, she was doing this all for Budo. Ayano pulled up to the location and parked the car. Budo was shaking "w...what are we doing here?" Budo asked shockingly. Ayano took the keys out the ignition and grabbed one of the guys guns. She rummaged threw the car and found a new socket full of bullets. She loaded her gun and put it to the side. She went threw the other mans pocket and reached for his gun tossing it to Budo. Budo nervously caught it and looked at Ayano. "You.... you want me to use this don't you!?" Budo shouted. Ayano looked at him and let out a sigh. "Listen..... This has to end... I've been picked on long enough... It's time I put Info-chan to rest" Ayano said as she got out the car and shut the door. Budo got out of his trap and kicked open the broken door. He ran to Ayano. "Ayano-chan please listen! There are other ways we can do this, I don't want to kill anybody" Budo said shaking his hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2016 ⏰

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