Snivellus being a git

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As the winter holidays went on, I found myself talking to my Dad. We are getting along now. I think I've been angry for a long enough time, so I'm moving on. He has been trying to get on my good side as well. Also, he enjoys his grandchildren. When he first knew of my pregnancy, he was shocked, angry. But he has long since accepted my kids and now likes to know everything they're doing. When he saw for himself how Andrew and Anthony each possesed a certain special power, he was over the moon.

The little ones are with Mrs Weasley at the moment, they went to visit Arthur who longed to see them. Charlie tagged along so Molly wouldn't have to tend to the twins by herself. Not that I think she couldn't, she did raise seven children...

Anyway, Dad and I were just talking like normal human beings tend to do.

"So, how have you been? Anything interesting happened in the last few weeks?" I asked. It's a typical conversation starter, I know, but it's better than awkwardly sitting in the silence.
"Same old same old, though I think Remus and Nymphadora are getting closer. They'll be a couple before the end of the schoolyear, I'm sure of it."
"And what about you? Have you met anyone recently?"

His eyes narrowed. It didn't help when I offered a sweet smile with the question.

"No? What are you getting at?"
"Nothing. Just that perhaps you should try dating again... I can't remember the last time you had a date."
"Perhaps because I haven't had one since your mother died. Besides, dating is kinda hard when you're locked up in Azkaban." He gave a weak grin, but his eyes betrayed the terrors of his stay in the infamous Wizarding Prison. They looked a bit haunted when he spoke of it, which was a rare occurence.

"You've been free for the two years. Why not try now? What about that woman from the advance guard from the order? What's her name again? Emily? Emma? You know who I mean."
"Emmeline? Emmeline Vance?"
"Yeah, her. Do you know her? You could ask her out, grab some dinner ... you know how it goes."
"I don't know ... I never really talked to her and-"

Dad got interrupted by a loud knock on the front door. We exchanged glances before going to open it. Snape immediatly strode past me without offering a greeting. Rude much?

"Where's Potter? Dumbledore requested I speak to him. Privatly." He spoke in his monotone voice. Would it kill him to put some intonation in his speech?
"He's upstairs. I'll get him." I said as Dad threw me a dirty look for leaving him alone with Snape. I climbed the stairs until I got to Harry's bedroom and knocked. Hermione opended the door as Ron and Harry were both to busy with their Chess game.

"Harry, Snape is here to talk to you."
"Why?" Harry asked as he lost all concentration to his game, knocking it over as he turned to face me.
"I don't know. Ask him yourself, but do it quickly before Dad kills him. Would you like me to come with? I can always transfigure him in a toad if he gets to hard to handle." I friendly suggested. Harry smiled at me and noddedd before following me downstairs and into the kitchen.

Once there we saw a stare off between Dad and Snape. Each glaring so hard that they didn't even notice us until we sat down.

"I was supposed to see you alone, Potter," Snape began, "but the Blacks-"
"I'm his godfather!" Dad all but yelled as I did the same but said 'Godsister' instead of Godfather.
"I'm here on Dumbledore's orders-" Snape sneered before I cut him off again.
"Then get to it! I'd like to get you out of my house as soon as possible!" Dad smiled at me as I said that.

"The Headmaster has sent me to tell you, Potter, that it's his wish for you to study Occlumency this term."
"Study what?" Harry asked looking baffled.
Snape's face seemed to become even more annoyed as he answered.
"Occlumency, Potter. The magical defence of the mind against external penetraition. An obscure branch of magic, but a highly useful one."

Harry was still perplexed. "Why do I have to study Occlu-thing?"
"Because the Headmaster thinks it's a good idea." Snape said. "You will recieve private lessons once a week, but you will not tell anybody what you are doing, least of all Dolores Umbridge. You understand?"
"Yes," Harry replied. "Who's going to be teaching me?"

And with that question, all hell broke lose.

"I am," Snape said with raised eyebrow. Dad immediatly freaked.
"Why can't Dumbledore teach him? Why does it have to be you?" He questioned.
"Yes, why you? Dumbledore would be better or even me. You hate Harry to much to do this and I think the feeling is mutual." I put in.
"I assure you I did not beg for this job. If you're so keen on doing this, you have to take it up to the Headmaster, until then. I will expect you, Potter, at six o'clock on Monday evening. My office." Snape made to stand up, but Dad was quicker.

Things got heated when Snape insulted James and Harry at the same time and Dad started using the old nickname 'Snivellus again'. Snape progressed to call Dad out on being a dog, which he is but still, and Dad pulled his wand quickly followed by Snape and myself.

Poor Harry was trying to put a stop at it before everything got out of hand, but there was nothing he could do. Snape was pointing his wand at Dad's throat who in return pointed his at his throat. I tried to keep Harry out of reach for the spells while I too pointed my wand at Snape, only I went for his heart.

Before any of us had casted a spell, the kitchen door opened and in walked the entire Weasley family. We all hastely lowered our wand and watched as Snape wordlessly left the house.

"I'm cured!" Mr Weasley said. "Now when was that wedding?"

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