1. Who's The Young Lady Now?

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Just letting you guys know that there is mild language and elements in the fanfiction. Read at your own risk.

"Tris!" I hear a male voice holler from across the room.

I roll over and groan into my pillow, avoiding the fact that I needed to get out of bed.

"You've gotta get up!"

His voice echoes throughout the room, and I imagine the ceiling caving in.

"Please just one more minute Zeke!" I wail like a child.

"Tris, I would but Mom wants you up right now," Zeke explains.

"Fine," I grumble "Thanks anyway."

I peek my eye open to find Zeke sitting down at the edge of the bed.

I helplessly reach my hands out towards him.

"Help me up," I pout.

"What makes you think I'm pulling you out of bed," he snickers.

"Because I'm your favorite sister," I persist.

"Your my only sister, Tris," he chuckles.

I close my eyes again, loving the warmth of my bedsheets. 

I feel Zeke grab my hands, catapulting me out of bed.

"I meant gently!" I laugh stumbling over him.

"You never told me that!" He teases strolling out of the room.

"A-hole," I mutter to myself.

"Don't think I couldn't hear that," Zeke chastises me.

"Yeah, whatever."

"You better clean up your attitude young lady," he wiggles his finger in my face.

"You sound like mom," I laugh at him.

"I know. I was kidding," he playfully punches my shoulder.

"Alright that's it!" I holler, springing off the floor and tackling him to the ground.

"Who's the young lady now?"

"You," he smirks.

I grab both his arms and pin them down.

"Who's the young lady now?"I repeat.

I know Zeke could easily pry me off him this instant. I am, after all his little sister. I may be small and thin, but I do have quite a bit of muscle for my age. Uriah tells me it's in my legs, which is why I'm a fast runner.

Zeke instantly flips over, grabs me by my torso, and hauls me over his shoulders.

"Put me down!" I plead giggling like a schoolgirl.

"Not until you say your sorry."

"I refuse!" I object.

He continues stomping down the hallway until he reaches the bathroom.

"What are you doing," I fearfully ask.

"Oh, nothing," he chuckles.

I hear water running, suspecting he probably turned the shower on.

"Ezekiel Pedrad, put me down!" I shout.

He doesn't even say another word, but I can already tell he's fuming about me using his embarrassing full name.

My fingertips touch the ice cold water and I yelp.

"Mom!" I yell.

I was not being put in ice cold water.

I knew that he was putting me in the shower farther, because I could feel the water reaching my elbow.

"Zeke stop!"

"Are you gonna say your sorry?" He taunts.

"No w-"

"Zeke put her down right now!" Our mom scolds.

He groans in frustration placing me on the floor.

He carefully turns off the facet.

"That's enough you two," my mom insists walking out of the room.

"I didn't have to say sorry," I tease sticking my tongue out and running for my life.

I lock the door as soon as I reach my bedroom.


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