2. Hey Shortie

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Chapter 2! Enjoy :)
(Tris' outfit above)
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The stairs make small squeaking noises as I step down them.

Mom insisted that I wore my nicest clothes since it was Zeke's choosing ceremony today.

I decided on a black cut out tank top, black jeans, black combat boots, and a black leather jacket. I put on black studs and put my dark brown hair into a high ponytail.

"You look very nice Bea," My mom smiles as I emerge from the stairs.

"Thanks mom," I reply hugging her.

My mom is the only person I allowed to call me Bea.

She named me a Abnegation name, Beatrice, when I was born because she was a Abnegation transfer.

She had everyone call me Tris once I was born, but still calls me Bea as our special nickname.

My mom was cooking scrambled eggs at the stove and Uriah was training in our basement, where we stored all our exercise equipment.

"Where's Zeke?" I ask my mom.

"He's in the backyard," she responds "And if your going out with him, come back in about 10 minutes. Breakfast will be ready."

"Okay. Thanks mom."

I run out the door, eager to see my friends. I already knew they'd be there. Since when does Zeke go in the backyard alone?


"Tris!" Marlene exclaims clasping her arms around me in a bear hug.

"Hey Mar," I smile "I've missed you."

Marlene has become my best friend. We grew up together, along with my twin brother Uriah. We've been there for each other through thick and thin, and I can't bare to think about what I'd do without her.

Lynn and Shauna are as well two of my closest a friends.

I'm absolutely positive that Zeke and Shauna like each other. They have ever since they were little.

I almost forget that it's Shauna's choosing day today too. She and Zeke are both two years older than all of us.

"Hey Shortie," Shauna teases.

Shauna has always called me shortie, ever since I was little.

"I'm not that short!" I object trying to suppress my laughter.

"You are," she insists.

I could say that Shauna might not choose Dauntless since she is very smart, but I know she'll stay because of her family and friends. By friends I mainly mean Zeke.

Shauna is not only smart but she is also very athletic and loves to do insane things, which is why she is a perfect fit for Dauntless.

"Kids, breakfast it ready!" We hear mom shouting.

All that was left was the sound of our boots tapping as we raced inside the house.


What do you guys think? I know that this chapter is not that well written and I'm sorry about that. I was in a rush to write this because I had an appointment with my doctor. I love you guys and thanks for the support! Also, I just wanted to add to the fact that my chapters are quite short. I do this because I update very often and I don't see the point in making generally long chapters. It can bore readers sometimes in a way too.

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Xoxo, Hx7680

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