13. One Hell Of A First One

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This is Tris' Pov of their first kiss :)


Staring back into his deep blues eyes, the tension built between us. For a moment, I thought he was going to kiss me. I sure wanted him to.

I take in his features, trailing down from his dark brown hair to his flawless jawline. Four definitely had a handsome appearance. I thought back to the night at the bar. When we collided and he told me to watch out. I couldn't decide if I liked him or I hated him. One minute he was looking out for me and the other he was telling me what to do. The thought of kissing Four made me nervous. Did it stop me?
Not at all.

I make the exasperating decision for the both of us, and press my lips against him in a swift motion. He immediately kisses me back, and I slide my arm around his neck. I brush my fingers on the back of his neck, loving the feeling of his rough skin.

He holds my waist gently, the kiss escalating into a more 'heated' version. I worry for a second that somebody might see us, but then I realize I wouldn't even care.

And then he stops, pulling us apart.

Our eyes make contact, and I begin to blush. I'd never kissed anybody before, but that was one hell of a first one.

"I'm sorry," I say "I'm not sure what came over me." I feel embarrassed, and wonder if he wanted to kiss me too.

He shakes his head in no. "Tris I would have done it if you hadn't." I couldn't stop myself from smiling just the tiniest bit. "I only stopped myself, well, because your still young."

My smile disappears and I look at him in disbelief. Here he was infuriating me once again. Why does my age have to matter. "Oh, so I'm just too young for your liking," I scoff. I about had it. I turned around to join the rest of the party.

I didn't even make it a mere foot away before I felt his dominating touch again. His arm snakes around my torso, pulling me back to him. This time, he held my small body against his. I'd be lying if I said I didn't love it.

"Trust me," he whispers in a husky voice "It's taking a lot in me to stop this." I try to hide it, but my fingers were trembling. This was so new to me.

A piece of my hair strays to my cheek, and he brushes it back.

Before I could even admire the moment, he was gone. I could still feel his gentle touch lingering from my lips.


Tris Pov! Comment which Pov you liked better for the first fourtris kiss :))

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