8. Your 'Oh So Delicate Waves Of Hair'

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I try to find as many pictures with Tris/Shailene's hair brown, but it's very hard so a lot of the pictures will have hints of blonde in Tris' hair. Enjoy :))) Btw, Idk if they had cars or whatever during this time, but I'm just going to add that in anyway.



I woke up early this morning, because I had a bad dream.

Something was chasing me, and I couldn't make it. I couldn't escape. It caught me before I could even hide. I remember feeling icy cold hands clasp my shoulders, and I screamed out in fear. Funny thing is, I don't know what was chasing me. It was never revealed, even when it caught me. Honestly, the nightmare terrified me. I don't know what it meant, but I just decide to let it go.

I carefully brush all the nots out of my chocolate brown hair.

"Tris!" Zeke shouts from the other side of the bathroom door.


"I need to get in!"

"And brush your 'oh so delicate waves of hair'?" I tease. Zeke was always spending hours on his hair.

"Just let me in..." He groans.


I had school off today, so I asked Zeke if I could come with him to watch him train.

"Yeah sure," he shrugs his shoulders starting the engine of our jeep.

I hop in, hanging on to the handle for extra support.

"Are you excited?" I ask, trying to start a decent conversation.

"Not exactly. More nervous I guess. I know that I am going to do well, it's just pretty nerve racking," Zeke admits.

Normally, I would crack a good joke but this was serious.

"Yeah I understand. That's kind of how I expect to feel when my time comes."


The entrance of the initate training unit is very large. Metal aligns around the glass doors and Zeke and I stride in.

My ears are greeted by the small hum of people talking. We definitely are not the first people to arrive.

The inside of the building itself it huge. The ceilings are at least 15 feet high. It's all built with metal shafts.

Punching bags are all in one area, and there is a arena in the middle. Many machines are scattered along the walls.

A man with ebony black hair chocolate brown eyes intimidatingly strides to the middle of the room and gathers everyone.

I sit on the bleachers towards the back corner, and rest my arms on my knees.

"Alright welcome to Dauntless initiate training," he clasps his hands together. "My name is Wesley and I'll be your trainer and instructor for these years initiates."

My eyes land on a muscular figure in the back of the crowd.


Alright so this seems like a cliff hanger, but it's honestly not because we all know who it is. I basically just wanted to end the chapter. Part 9 will be uploaded most likely tomorrow or Monday. Thank you so much for all the votes you guys! It makes me so happy. We are at 600 already, so that means only 400 till 1K and that blows my mind. You guys are so freaking amazing. I love you all <4

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