Author's Note

1.5K 23 8

Sorry guys, this isn't a update :(( It's an A/N because....
WE REACHED 1k! I can't believe this, thank you all so much. I couldn't have done it without you guys and I love you all. Every view and every vote counts. Thank you so so much! <4 I started this almost 2 months ago, and we have already reached 1k. That shocks me and I can't even explain how much amazing you guys are. Also, on my other book Divergent No War, we reached 14k!! That's so amazing and thank you guys for all the votes and views and shares. If you haven't checked out my other fan fiction, Divergent No War, it's located in my works if your interested. I'm working on part 9 right now, and it's just a little tough because I'm not sure where exactly I'm going with this story, but it'll be posted soon! Just sorting out ideas :)

Love you guys!

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