4. Are You Listening?

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Chapter 4! If anyone is confused, I'm starting off right at the end of last chapter, so it's continuing. Hope you guys enjoy! Xoxo


The boy with the dark hair trudges up the stairs and onto the stage.

I thought I heard his name, but I drifted off so much into my thoughts I didn't hear.

He examined the bowls, so clueless about his choices. His grey clothing represents that he's from Abnegation.

He reached out for the knife, his hands trembling at every movement.

His hand hovers over the Abnegation stones. For a split second, I am sure he's going to choose Abnegation, but I was wrong.

His hand reaches out for the Dauntless coals. The crowd grows into a dead silence as the knife pierces his skin, his blood dripping from the skin of his palm.

He quietly leaves the stage, knowing that his choice was an act of defiance and betrayal. Especially for Abnegation.

It doesn't take long for Zeke's name to be called. I felt a sense of nervousness. I shouldn't feel this way, since I know he'll choose Dauntless, but it's still a little nerve racking. No matter how annoying and pestering Zeke can get,
He's still my brother and I still love him.

He didn't hesitate as he hovered his hand over the Dauntless coals. As we heard the faint crackle of the coals sizzling, the whole Dauntless section of the crowd erupted in a sort of applause.

We watched as Zeke made his way back to his seat, a faint grin plastered on his face.

My mom sincerely smiled at him, patting him on the back in congratulations.


I couldn't keep my mind from wondering off to the thought of the boy with the deep ocean-blue eyes. They captured my attention at every glance. He was so intimidating, and mysterious.

"I've go to go," Zeke declares "See you guys later."

Zeke nearly prances all the way to the group of initiates. He must be excited.

Shauna did end up choosing Dauntless, as I predicted.

"Alright. Let's head back," My mom insists.

Uriah and I rise from our seats and follow along behind our mom.

"I'm so proud of Zeke. He's made it so far, and he's done so tremendous. I feel that he's just growing up too fast," she wails.

Uriah and I secretly laugh behind mom's back. She gets so emotional sometimes over situations like these.

She continues rambling on about it, while we quietly snicker.

"Are you to listening?" Mom demands.

We snap out of our laughter and straighten up.

"Of course," I mutter while Uriah cracks a smile beside me.


Chapter four already! Thanks for the votes lately. I'm surprised at how many I'm actually receiving I. So little time. Thank you guys for the amazing support. It means so much :)

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