11. I Don't Think You're Sixteen Yet...

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Warning: mild use of alcohol and mild heated scenes.


Uriah and I enter Shauna's apartment complex. Zeke had already been there in advance, partially to help set up but mainly to hang out with Shauna. She was hosting a party since her parents are away for a couple days. I'm eager for the guests to arrive and for the fun to start. Zeke considered Uriah and I old enough now to attend parties with him.

In a mere ten minutes, the party guests pour in Shauna's apartment. I strolled over to the drink table.

"Hi, I'm Marian!" a friendly girl cheers.

"Hi," I smile "I'm Tris."

"Pretty name," she says,"What can I get for you?" I thought for a second, considering taking alcohol even though I wasn't sixteen yet. It was after all a party, and there was nobody to stop me, except for Zeke. I could hide it easily.

"I'll take anything with alcohol in it," I tell Marian. She raises an eyebrow, scanning my body to determine my age.

"I don't think you sixteen yet," Marian confesses "But I'll let it slide." She hands me a plastic cup and winks.

I take my first sip, grimacing as cool liquid burnt my throat. I didn't understand the point of alcohol, that was until I was almost finished with the cup. I began to feel sluggish, and relaxed. I stroll over to my usual group of friends. I seemed to have less control than I usually would as I took each step.

"Hi," Marlene greets me.

"Hey Mar!" I giggle.

"Geez Tris!? What's gotten into you," Marlene laughs.

"Nothing," I insist "Just having a good time." I turn my head to face the rest of the group, and lock eyes once again with Four. He looks me up and down, his stubborn facial expression remaining. What was this guy's problem with me?

Zeke, from what I could tell, was flirting with a pretty initiate named Isabel. Shauna just glared in their direction, her arms undeniably folded across her chest. Uriah walked off to join his friends for a stupid truth or dare game, and Marlene was fixated on carrying on a conversation with a really cute guy I couldn't recognize.

I began chatting with Isaac, one of both Zeke, Uriah, and I's good friend. He was apart of this years initiates too. "What's Four's problem with me?" I mumble.

"What do you mean?" Isaac asks.

"Every time I look at him, he gives me this look."

"Don't overthink it," Isaac chuckles "Four is like that with every one."

"Oh," I mutter. I take a deep breath, feeling overly warm. I decide I need to go outside for a couple minutes to cool down. Stumbling out the backdoor, I settle down on a bench in Shauna's yard. I wanted to stop thinking about Four, but I just couldn't manage. He made me ask myself all these questions, like what he thought of me, or why he can't stop staring my way when we're around each other. I once again attempt to brush it off. It doesn't matter.

"What are you doing out here all alone?" I jump at the sound of an unfamiliar voice. He came out of no where.

I twist around my torso to find the unpredictable boy with the deep blue eyes.

"I'm just taking a second to cool down," I say.
We stare at each other, before his eyes begin to trail down to my shoulders, my skin exposed. He took a step closer, his hot breath fanning over me. My heart started to race.


AHHH cliff hanger? What's going to happen next? ;) I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

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