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I awaken, bumping my head on back of my bed frame. Ouch.

I felt a wave of drowsiness as I got up to brush my teeth. I begin to wash my face, flinching as the cool water drenches my cheeks. Last nights event's still play in repeat. I still couldn't believe I'd kissed him.

After I'd brushed my hair out, I stumble downstairs to find something to feed my growling stomach. I peer over the stove, seeing that mom had already cooked bacon and eggs. I fill the small grey plate up and sit down at the table. Taking my first bite, I sit back and savor the amazing flavors. Within seconds, Zeke flew down the stairs, laying his eyes right on me.

"What's good Shortie?"

"Nothing," I mutter through a mouthful of food.

"You seem to be enjoying that," he chuckles, grabbing a plate of his own.

"It's bacon," I say,"Nobody can be sad while eating it." He shrugs his shoulders, demolishing a piece of it before he even made it to the table.

"So..." I say, trying to make conversation,"Do you like Shauna?" Zeke isn't one to get embarrassed, but he immediately cocks his head up.

"What would make you think that," he mumbles.

"I've known you two have liked each other since you were little," I say, granting him the 'come-on-just-admit-it' look.

"Really Tris? That was just us being kids," Zeke denies, taking a sip of orange juice.

"Oh okay," I tease "I was going to tell you something about Shauna last night, but you don't like her so just never mind." I mischievously smile, washing my plate off. I don't even glance over at him as I sashay out of the kitchen.

"Wait!" He hollers "What happened?!"


I beam, admiring my reflection in the mirror. I was genuinely proud of how good I was getting at make up. Marlene and I always practice together, just for the enjoyment of it. I start to clean up my mess as I come to the realization that I may be taking to long to get ready.

We approach the moving train and immediately break into a swift jog. I wait apprehensively for the right moment to penetrate a train cart and wonder why it made me feel exhilarated after doing it so many times before. I follow after my brothers, slinging my body into the train too.

"Nervous?" Zeke asks us, his kind smile forming into a devious smirk.

"Nope," Uriah says, returning a playful grin to Zeke.

"Kind of," I say, adding a shrug my shoulders to not seem like such a baby. My remark interrupted the competitiveness of my brother's conversation and their expressions shift to a more concerned regard.

"You'll do great Tris," Zeke insists "The Dangerous Games are a lot more scary than they seem. Don't work yourself up."

"Mhmm," I mutter, trying to soak Zeke's advice in. Today is the day that the Dauntless faction holds the annual 'Dangerous Games'. Nearly all Dauntless members participate, ready to face the scary tasks that the games present to us. Every year, there's a new game added to the selection, usually more exhilarating and dangerous than ever before. You have to be at least fourteen years old to participate, so this was my first year. I was more eager than any other feeling. I couldn't wait to experience my first year in the games.

I closed my eyes for a brief moment to catch a grip on the anxious thoughts racing amongst my mind. I flicker my eyes open again to only alarmingly notice how my fingers shook. I urgently clasp my hands together before either one of my brothers could notice. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2019 ⏰

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